Originally posted by Marshal Jim Duncan:
Originally posted by Chillwell:
Originally posted by ThorOdinson13:
Someday people will realize the evils of nationalism.
Posted from
Rivals Mobile
while keeping the states from practicing vindictive, petty protectionism and giving businesses a unified set of rules under which to operate.
The last part of your post describes exactly what the Commerce Clause was intended to achieve, and that's it. It was certainly never intended to act as "nationalism trumping Federalism".
Really, then how is the Commerce Clause to be enforced? Are states supposed to constantly run to court and sue each and every other state that might be exercising protectionism against their products? Or is it easier for the Supreme Court, exercising common sense, to simply create the dormant commerce clause that, for the most part, creates a national standard of how states should treat one another?
But generally, I agree...nationalism does suck... and why we should continue to just spout of phrases like "the evils of nationalism" without any nuanced thought as to what that actually means.
For instance, the Privileges and Immunities clause of Article IV that keeps states from discriminating against citizens of other states...Personally, I say F Oregonians, bunch a birkenstock-wearing effeminate men & angry lesbians; don't come down here to So Cal, expecting I don't know...to earn a living even though you're the best qualified for the position. No, I think So Cal jobs should be for So Cal residents, no matter how high most of us are! Not to mention the Contracts Clause that prevents state and local governments from voiding the obligations of private contracts, even those of "outsiders" from like Kentucky... that pisses me off. Why should I be forced to honor some contract I signed with some dick from Kentucky?! And, of course, the grand daddy of them all, the Equal Protection and Due Process of the 14th Amendment, what a bunch of crap! Just think, if we didn't those ideas of nationalism, Mississippi could still be enforcing Jim Crow and Texas keeping women from voting. But noooo, the freakin' national government says Mississippi has to give black people the "same rights" under the law as whites and that we can't even keep women from being executors, when everybody knows they are too emotional and not good with numbers...total dickishness by the Feds.
Oh yes, the total awesomeness of "states rights."