Colorado School Bans Teen After Going to a Shooting Range With Mother, Even After Police Clear Him


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2008
I can somewhat understand those in education being concerned but what happened to common sense? As a parent it is my responsibility to teach my kids about firearms so they know to respect a firearm, know how to use a firearm and more importantly to me know when to get away from someone that doesn't.
My daughter was 7 years old and had been playing at one of her friends houses down the street. She was crying and telling me that her friend had found her parent's pistol and was playing with it. She knew enough about guns at that age that she knew to get away from her and tell an adult what was going on. I talked to the little girls parent and they were shocked that their daughter found the gun and was playing with it. They immediately went and purchased a gun safe. Who knows but with my daughter knowing about guns at that age may have saved a life.

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