Cocaine Mitch on a roll


Oct 29, 2008

Lol so awesome! Nothing like nothing getting done because you have no shame and your born swallowers love the lulz!

And getting Russian money hand over fist. They'll celebrate that, too. And preventing action into Russia meddling with the election -- they love that. And the huge deficit -- trillions added. Owning the libs on that one.

I read something and damned I can't find it now -- some smart guy called not just the internet early on, but said if you project it to its logical conclusion it will disrupt accurate information to the point it's gonna be profound upheaval. Well..... look what they've talked these morons into thinking and believing. Thread after thread. It works! You think a single one of them knows about Mitch and his Russian money issues? I'll bet the right wing media doesn't say a damned peep about it and they don't. Meanwhile, they really and truly think that, 1) Hillary sold out to Putin and let him have 'Murica's uranium, and 2) But Putin hated her and wanted Biff to win because he really wanted... well, hell if I can tell. Scatman said Putin WANTED someone that would stand up to him. They don't scrutinize the messaging, either. Basic analysis like that is totally foreign. There's no independent analysis -- shit either sounds good or not.

This is a real time, real life experiment in propaganda. If I could have the FOX airwave for two weeks I could make every con in this thread dog cuss McConnell and Biff. Two weeks, with not one single new development -- just spin.
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And getting Russian money hand over fist. They'll celebrate that, too. And preventing action into Russia meddling with the election -- they love that. And the huge deficit -- trillions added. Owning the libs on that one.

I read something and damned I can't find it now -- some smart guy called not just the internet early on, but said if you project it to its logical conclusion it will disrupt accurate information to the point it's gonna be profound upheaval. Well..... look what they've talked these morons into thinking and believing. Thread after thread. It works! You think a single one of them knows about Mitch and his Russian money issues? I'll bet the right wing media doesn't say a damned peep about it and they don't. Meanwhile, they really and truly think that, 1) Hillary sold out to Putin and let him have 'Murica's uranium, and 2) But Putin hated her and wanted Biff to win because he really wanted... well, hell if I can tell. Scatman said Putin WANTED someone that would stand up to him. They don't scrutinize the messaging, either. Basic analysis like that is totally foreign. There's no independent analysis -- shit either sounds good or not.

This is a real time, real life experiment in propaganda. If I could have the FOX airwave for two weeks I could make every con in this thread dog cuss McConnell and Biff. Two weeks, with not one single new development -- just spin.

Frail and delusional.
Laugh now pokeabear, if those chinese ever start a meme war we're gonna need these incels.
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This is something that baffles me. I think if I’d lifted my skirt and shown my VeeJayJay, the way sys did, it would be really tough to come back here and ever show my face.

Can anyone offer a hypothesis on why it freaked sys out so much that someone might be able to discover who he was? :cool:

Good question. I hope everyone takes a crack at it.

My guess would be he is a land man for an oil and gas company in SE Oklahoma and his coworkers are not flaming liberals. He even sees them as toothless rednecks and if they knew how much he loathed them personally for their lifestyle they would probably tar and feather him like the outcast he is.
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Good question. I hope everyone takes a crack at it.

My guess would be he is a land man for an oil and gas company in SE Oklahoma and his coworkers are not flaming liberals. He even sees them as toothless rednecks and if they knew how much he loathed them personally for their lifestyle they would probably tar and feather him like the outcast he is.
I must have missed the thread. Still on here?
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You spell your sisters nickname weird.
I’m guessing you chuckled before you posted this. Sometimes (well most of the time) you should analyze it a bit more to see if anyone else thinks your post would be funny. As usually, this was a huge whiff.
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I’m guessing you chuckled before you posted this. Sometimes (well most of the time) you should analyze it a bit more to see if anyone else thinks your post would be funny. As usually, this was a huge whiff.
Glad you liked the smell, though.
I’m guessing you chuckled before you posted this. Sometimes (well most of the time) you should analyze it a bit more to see if anyone else thinks your post would be funny. As usually, this was a huge whiff.
Amazing amount of self awareness that one has.

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