clot shot

Leftist wear their hypocrisy as a badge of honor. They know they can lie to thier followers, the followers will follow and when it comes out the leftist were lying they never face in consequences for them.
It is a passive aggressive way to flip off their opponents. They create the emotional high road, even if it is built on lies, repeat it until followers are brainwashed, and then never surrender it despite facts that destroy foundational high road “truth’s”, and call you names or a liar for disagreeing.
It is a passive aggressive way to flip off their opponents. They create the emotional high road, even if it is built on lies, repeat it until followers are brainwashed, and then never surrender it despite facts that destroy foundational high road “truth’s”, and call you names or a liar for disagreeing.
Sleepy says "what?"

Fvck sleepy.
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It is a passive aggressive way to flip off their opponents. They create the emotional high road, even if it is built on lies, repeat it until followers are brainwashed, and then never surrender it despite facts that destroy foundational high road “truth’s”, and call you names or a liar for disagreeing.
This is one of the reason I say Democrats and their followers are the greatest threat this country faces.
I don't think that is correct, they always knew who they were, they just lied about it.
Yes, Carter was the last decent one. Most since Wilson have been POS autocrats pushing big government centralized power. Truman and JFK may be the other exceptions.

Wilson, FDR, LBJ and Obama are the reasons we are 36+T in debt and have the huge administrative state.
Apparently this is from June. Still great news, hopefully it opens the floodgates.

my bad i didn’t back check the date or verify the news

im not into reposting twitter engagement farming

i would delete but the news is not fake just the date.

i am blocking rogelio for engagement farming
my bad i didn’t back check the date or verify the news

im not into reposting twitter engagement farming

i would delete but the news is not fake just the date.

i am blocking rogelio for engagement farming
No worries, I didn't hear this back in June so happy to know this is moving forward. I think a lot of us were wondering when states would get involved. Since it happened in June maybe there will be a big update soon, maybe before the election.
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it’s your body
do your own research

I am still stunned that most libs went along with the shots. I assumed that would be the line for them: I assumed when it came down to their health or their politics, they would choose their health.

I was wrong. I will never overestimate the intelligence or morality of the left ever again.
I am still stunned that most libs went along with the shots. I assumed that would be the line for them: I assumed when it came down to their health or their politics, they would choose their health.

I was wrong. I will never overestimate the intelligence or morality of the left ever again.

When science and politics are your religion a sheister bureaucrat doc has the same or greater power as a sheister preacher would over his congregation
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