Clinton Henchmen Scrubbed Benghazi Documents

It truly is sofa king pathetic. And the MSM just gives them a pass.

To think this was supposed to be the most transparent administration in history. Instead, it's just more of the same.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
If the Bush administration had done this it would be the lead for every national news outlet. But since it's Hillary and Obama you'll be hard pressed to find information on this outside of a few places.
Originally posted by Headhunter:

If the Bush administration had done this it would be the lead for every national news outlet. But since it's Hillary and Obama you'll be hard pressed to find information on this outside of a few places.
For all of the negatives that have occurred as result of our nation becoming an on-line soceity, this may be one of the greatest benefits. Information can be distributed without the filtering of the major communications ceters.
Originally posted by Bitter Creek:
Originally posted by gulfshorespoke:
Saw that on the news this morning. Most corrupt and worst administration in our nations history.
"Oh, here they are! These Whitewater documents have been in the White House the whole time? It's just sad Vince Foster isn't around to testify."
reminds me of people whom I converse with during business deals and who say "to tell you the truth" or "to be honest with you" it means watch out! Same with anyone who says he will have "the most transparent administration ever" knew it was a lie and coverup before there needed to be any lies and coverups. Shows such amateurish belief in your judgement and who you intent to surround yourself with.

If journalists ever do their jobs this administration will get skewered unmercifully.

Hey UP have the oceans receded yet?