Cernovich breaks yet another story belatedly covered by corporate media

Cernovich reporting on old Alex Jone's child custody defense that all Infowars is is "performance art", he is just playing a part, and doesn't believe what he says on air?
Seems relevant to what he is reporting on presently.
Cernovich reporting on old Alex Jone's child custody defense that all Infowars is is "performance art", he is just playing a part, and doesn't believe what he says on air?

Will listen!

Check out interview above.

I'm not a very big Alex Jones fan. Only in small doses, and certain guests --- he talks over his guests too much.

Also, if you all really want to hear something, check this --- it's from a week ago. *Highly* suggested.

Cernovich recently said he has a dead man's switch -- if anything happens to him, the switch is released and information will come out about lots of people.

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By the way @NZ Poke what is your take on Bill Mitchell and his feud with PJW lately?

I haven't followed that much. I like PJW a lot, and Bill Mitchell in smaller doses.

Your thought? Did you watch PJW and BM debate? (I didn't)

I do like that there is intellectual diversity and true spirited debates on the "new right" --- as opposed to owned politicians (Neocons / Neolibs) and corporate media --- all rigged and owned.
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