Cecil the lion vs. selling fetus organs


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Glad to see the yammering gerbils and wing-nuts have their priorities in order; sickening.
Sir Hildebeast said babies aren't alive until they "walk" out of the hospital. Until they can walk---no harm no foul according to the mass murderers that are abortionists.
Well I'm no progressive wing-nut, but I'm sickened/sad about both situations/practices. The problem is the dentist and lion have names, faces etc etc, every murdered baby is looked at by many as a blob of unviable tissue no name or stature. What I've never understood is if an unborn baby is not a "being" why can someone be charged with a double murder for killing a pregnant lady and therefore her fetus?
Donger I'm definitely against the death threats for the dentist as well as tweeting out his home address and so on. It's a tactic the unions/groups have used against people they hate for whatever reason and it's just flat wrong. Too many nutcases out there willing to do anything for national attention.
Donger I'm definitely against the death threats for the dentist as well as tweeting out his home address and so on. It's a tactic the unions/groups have used against people they hate for whatever reason and it's just flat wrong. Too many nutcases out there willing to do anything for national attention.

I've never understood the "big game" hunting mentality. That sort of thing just doesn't appeal to me, but the backlash this guy is receiving is utter bullshit.
Donger agree on both counts...I'm not a hunter any longer but have nothing against those who hunt and use the meat. Trophy hunters on the other hand rank pretty low in my world. That said the way this guy is being threatened is as you say utter BS. His life in that place will never be the same.
Donger agree on both counts...I'm not a hunter any longer but have nothing against those who hunt and use the meat. Trophy hunters on the other hand rank pretty low in my world. That said the way this guy is being threatened is as you say utter BS. His life in that place will never be the same.

His practice is finished and his life will never be the same anywhere. BTW, you don't fit the wing-nut "profile".:D
Zimbabweans are scratching their heads about this.

For most people in the southern African nation, where unemployment tops 80 percent and the economy continues to feel the after-effects of billion percent hyperinflation a decade ago, the uproar had all the hallmarks of a 'First World Problem'.

"Are you saying that all this noise is about a dead lion? Lions are killed all the time in this country," said Tryphina Kaseke, a used-clothes hawker on the streets of Harare. "What is so special about this one?"

As with many countries in Africa, in Zimbabwe big wild animals such as lions, elephants or hippos are seen either as a potential meal, or a threat to people and property that needs to be controlled or killed.

The world of Palmer, who paid $50,000 to kill 13-year-old Cecil, is a very different one from that inhabited by millions of rural Africans who are more than occasionally victims of wild animal attacks.

According to CrocBITE, a database, from January 2008 to October 2013, there were more than 460 recorded attacks by Nile crocodiles, most of them fatal. That tally is almost certainly a massive underrepresentation.

"Why are the Americans more concerned than us?" said Joseph Mabuwa, a 33-year-old father-of-two cleaning his car in the center of the capital. "We never hear them speak out when villagers are killed by lions and elephants in Hwange."
Zimbabweans are scratching their heads about this.

For most people in the southern African nation, where unemployment tops 80 percent and the economy continues to feel the after-effects of billion percent hyperinflation a decade ago, the uproar had all the hallmarks of a 'First World Problem'.

"Are you saying that all this noise is about a dead lion? Lions are killed all the time in this country," said Tryphina Kaseke, a used-clothes hawker on the streets of Harare. "What is so special about this one?"

As with many countries in Africa, in Zimbabwe big wild animals such as lions, elephants or hippos are seen either as a potential meal, or a threat to people and property that needs to be controlled or killed.

The world of Palmer, who paid $50,000 to kill 13-year-old Cecil, is a very different one from that inhabited by millions of rural Africans who are more than occasionally victims of wild animal attacks.

According to CrocBITE, a database, from January 2008 to October 2013, there were more than 460 recorded attacks by Nile crocodiles, most of them fatal. That tally is almost certainly a massive underrepresentation.

"Why are the Americans more concerned than us?" said Joseph Mabuwa, a 33-year-old father-of-two cleaning his car in the center of the capital. "We never hear them speak out when villagers are killed by lions and elephants in Hwange."

Damn, you know the progressives don't give a shit about the Z/fetus, body/body parts count; it's all about the lion.