CCP/DNC xi visiting the republic

where the peeps calling out
the maga cult?

I'm betting we never see a list of those elected officials that were involved in this. What's better for the swamp, releasing the names to the American people so they can hold them accountable or the powers that be being able to blackmail elected officials to do their bidding?
Today's left.

Irrationally emotional.

Educated via the Internet (they're not getting it in school).

Up is down. Right is wrong. Wrong is right.


I would be embarrassed to be that f'ing ignorant. But it also shows that most of those puss cakes don't do any thinking or personal research on their own. How can you argue anything in this life without knowing both sides? When I was in school, always questioned the "conventional wisdom," with my own research (thanks to my awesome parents).

Once was given the title of "class dissident" by a OSU history teacher because some of the things she said were straight out of the "I hate América school of thought," & I would challenge her (respectfully) in class. I was also 28 years old taking the second US history class & not afraid of any retribution or for that matter what anyone thought. The coup de gras was her aid was so hot she would have knocked a buzzard off of a gut wagon & I definitely wanted her. Did manage to get her out one night for lots of beer at Joe's but subsequently foiled at every other turn. Oh how I miss those days. But I digress.

By the end of the semester the teacher & I use to hang out after class sometimes & chat about history. Had a thoroughly awesome time with her & our discussions. I think in the end we both chiseled away at some of our previous held beliefs because of those days.

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