Carly lost me today

Rooting for Iowa against Stanford, her Alma Mater.

That's seriously messed up.

Last time I checked, all politicians are WHORES pandering for (insert preference). In the realm of pandering, throwing your football team under the bus for votes is relatively minor.:eek:
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Last time I checked, all politicians are WHORES pandering for (insert preference). In the realm of pandering, throwing your football team under the bus for votes is relatively minor.:eek:
Paul Ryan threw the country under the bus.
If i would've known that, I'd have bet the house on Stanford -- she's been as consistently wrong as anyone I know.
I'm done with her anyway. She was strong in the first two debates and then does nothing in between to capitalize on that. Very disappointing because I think she represented a pretty compelling story of success for women that didn't involve marrying a man on his way up.

Which is why i want to see her as a VP this round. Lots of potential, but she needs more exposure (and dropping the PP crusade).
Pandering. Yep. I'm done ever taking her seriously.
Pandering at its lowest level. Nothing but fake assery to stroke an ego to get a vote. She should become a Democrat. The low information welfare queen voting block and the limousine liberals would adore her.
Very disappointing because I think she represented a pretty compelling story of success for women that didn't involve marrying a man on his way up.


You may want to check on that one. She left her first husband for another guy (Frank Fiorina) who helped position her into a higher level management position with AT&T which turned into her Lucent gig. Frank Fiorina was an exec with AT&T and by the timelines the two of them were working together and dating while she was still married to her first husband.

You may want to check on that one. She left her first husband for another guy (Frank Fiorina) who helped position her into a higher level management position with AT&T which turned into her Lucent gig. Frank Fiorina was an exec with AT&T and by the timelines the two of them were working together and dating while she was still married to her first husband.

That's why she married him, to move up?

I'm surprised that you know them well enough to know her motive.
yea wood and that's different from Hillwitch staying with Bill through all those blissful years because?

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