Carlie Fiorina


May 29, 2001
What am I missing here?

Seems pretty ideal the more I read. For smaller gov. Lower taxes. Pro small business. Ambivelant about gay marriage. Would not enforce federal laws on pot legalization at the state level.

Not an establishment politician. Sharp as hell, articulate and would clearly be a better choice for people wanting to see the first female president than Hildo.

Can you imagine the mental gymnastics a Fiorina Carson ticket would cause for the simpletons and their war on blacks war on women fantasies?

Not sold on her yet but seriously why not?

Watching debate highlights and interviews today. She is impressive.
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I'm sold on her. As a matter of fact, I predict she will be our next president.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
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They go after her for her time as HP's CEO. She's blamed for off-shoring 30,000 jobs but that's nothing compared to what Apple's CEO Tim Cook has off-shored. Of course, Apple's CEO is a liberal democrat.
She did a lot of good things at HP too. The facts won't really matter with low information voters. How she spins it will.

I would think all the feminists in the country would be all about Carlie. She's their perfect candidate.....a woman who succeeded in a man's world. CUP, you voting for her?
She did a lot of good things at HP too. The facts won't really matter with low information voters. How she spins it will.

I would think all the feminists in the country would be all about Carlie. She's their perfect candidate.....a woman who succeeded in a man's world. CUP, you voting for her?

No better than the third smartest woman in the world. He's already set his sexist war on women limits by putting Cankles and Chewie at 1 and 2.
She has my vote. Outsider. CEO. Knows movers and shakers politically and in business. Articulate, seems tough forward. I also think women would better relate to her than the Dem who drops her "g's" in the South and "r's" in the Northeast. No political baggage, and knows her stuff. Not going to lie, and I'm guessing like many of you, my wife is the CEO of our house. Her being female is actually a plus to me. And she worked to get to where she is, not ride the tails of her husband and trampoline that to being a Senator and Sec Of St.
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I'm happy to see several candidates this round whom I could vote for. Carly is definitely the one who stays on message and has substance in her message.
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I've been talking her up for a while and was generally told she didn't stand a chance. But I kept telling people they'd feel different if they would just listen to her and watch her in interviews.

She blew that dork Chris Matthews out of the water discussing Hillary's lies right after the debate.
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I've been talking her up for a while and was generally told she didn't stand a chance. But I kept telling people they'd feel different if they would just listen to her and watch her in interviews.

She blew that dork Chris Matthews out of the water discussing Hillary's lies right after the debate.

I saw that today. That dipshit got destroyed, realized it was happening and hit the ejection seat to escape.
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Well I have to wonder if this thread is representative of other similar online communities and if so, this could be interesting at a grassroots level.
She's getting a similar response on our board.
I'll admit to being fascinated by her - way too soon. A lifetime of mostly bleh candidates tempers my enthusiasm, but I really am hooked at the moment. As a result of this pondering, I have a few random observations.

1. She came along just in time for Trump to f-up with the Meygan Kelly on the rag comment. Opportunity - be the business pro, unowned candidate people saw in Trump, minus the big mouth.

2. She neutralizes the only thing remotely interesting about Hildo. Opportunity - be the first woman president and criticise Hildo openly and aggressively withou looking like a bully.

3. Crossover appeal. She is a strong intelligent successful woman who can appeal across traditional boundaries. Opportunity - give the Reagan democrats a reason to put down the koolaid and give independents a mainstream electable and evidently sane candidate to consider.

4. The left's true beliebers (evidenced by their total lack of input so far in this thread) are unsure of what they are supposed to say about her. Watch though - by Monday, the talking points will be disseminated and the local parots will be squawking their lines.
She made Chrissy Matthews her bitch. Not that that requires any effort. She's Trump with tact and a personal touch to go with it.

And she's hot. I'd grab her ankles. Nobody wants to fumble with a pant suit to attempt to grab Hildebeast cankles, unless you're Cup drunk and need the money.
I like her a lot and I would also vote for her in a heart beat. I just fear she won't get enough steam going to get the nomination but she is what this country needs IMO.
Go back in the archives, and read (way before she was going "political) some very objective articles about her tenure at Hewlett Packard. I'm not talking criticism from "left wing" publications or view points. Read what business reporters from Fox, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, etc. reported about her total failure at HP.

The list of her negative qualities (inability to manage, inability to effectively get her "mission statement/vision implemented, her tendency to "go missing" at critical times, etc.) are all covered in some depth.

Of more recent note would be two quotes from those who knew her and were in a position to know her best. Jason Burnett (David Packard's grandson and hardly what you would call a "liberal" in that he was a Bush Administration official at the EPA and formerly worked for the American Enterprise Institute (one trustee of AEI is Dick Cheney) had this to say about Fiorina: “She put herself ahead of the interests of the company and I fear she would do the same as president, I don’t want her to do harm to this country.”

And HP's former director of corporate communications, Roy Verley says that she alienated others with her "cult of Carly" and: “She didn’t know what she was doing and couldn’t deliver on her promises.”

She's obviously good at selling herself to others (and certainly she was an excellent salesperson before taking over HP) there is no denying that. The problem is that once she got the job, her performance was so bad that she earned the title "worst tech CEO" by any number of business publications.

There are objective standards by which to base her performance and if you actually take the time to look at them, you probably wouldn't be so gung ho about her. Yes, she increased the sales tremendously, post merger with Compaq, but in addition to loading the company with debt, the profits didn't come close to matching what HP was doing on its own, before the merger. Just spend a few minutes looking at her tenure with HP and then see if you still think she's so great at an executive position.
2005 Article from Fortune Magazine about Fiorina and the job she did at HP.
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Go back in the archives, and read (way before she was going "political) some very objective articles about her tenure at Hewlett Packard. I'm not talking criticism from "left wing" publications or view points. Read what business reporters from Fox, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, etc. reported about her total failure at HP.

The list of her negative qualities (inability to manage, inability to effectively get her "mission statement/vision implemented, her tendency to "go missing" at critical times, etc.) are all covered in some depth.

Of more recent note would be two quotes from those who knew her and were in a position to know her best. Jason Burnett (David Packard's grandson and hardly what you would call a "liberal" in that he was a Bush Administration official at the EPA and formerly worked for the American Enterprise Institute (one trustee of AEI is Dick Cheney) had this to say about Fiorina: “She put herself ahead of the interests of the company and I fear she would do the same as president, I don’t want her to do harm to this country.”

And HP's former director of corporate communications, Roy Verley says that she alienated others with her "cult of Carly" and: “She didn’t know what she was doing and couldn’t deliver on her promises.”

She's obviously good at selling herself to others (and certainly she was an excellent salesperson before taking over HP) there is no denying that. The problem is that once she got the job, her performance was so bad that she earned the title "worst tech CEO" by any number of business publications.

There are objective standards by which to base her performance and if you actually take the time to look at them, you probably wouldn't be so gung ho about her. Yes, she increased the sales tremendously, post merger with Compaq, but in addition to loading the company with debt, the profits didn't come close to matching what HP was doing on its own, before the merger. Just spend a few minutes looking at her tenure with HP and then see if you still think she's so great at an executive position.
2005 Article from Fortune Magazine about Fiorina and the job she did at HP.

Fair enough. What do we know about Hillary's private sector experience?
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.
HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired. HP stock went up $8 after Carlie Fiorina fired.

I don't know, perhaps you should find a Hillary supporter and ask them?

But, I can tell you that she was the first female associate the Rose Law Firm (founded 1820) ever hired and their first female partner. So by that metric, I would have to say that she had some success in her private sector profession. Just as I would certainly acknowledge by the metric of being selected a CEO shows Fiorina with some degree of success of at least making it to the "top."

I have no desire to support Hillary and if I ever have to vote on a ballot with her on it, I will almost certainly vote 3rd party in protest.
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I am certainly intrigued by her, now. I wonder if she takes the bait on planned paernthood (which will likely not end well for her, or any other republican). She and Kasich are the two i am trying to learn the most about from the GOP. The rest are basically retreads of the past few rounds (policies, experience, etc). At the very least, i think Carly should be on the ticket as VP if she does not win the primaries. So long as she clings to the facts instead of derailing in emotional topics, i can support her.

I still do not see Hillary getting the nomination from the democrats. There are too many skeletons coming out of the closet. The adems actually have a couple interesting candidates if they are given a chance (but that may be wishful thinking).
Btw, this is the first time in 3 presidential elections that i am actually interested in any of the R/D candidates...though it is still early....
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