Canadian PM's fake eyebrows?


He comes from such great eyebrow stock too.
No negativity towards one of your gods. Got it.

That wasn't lighting. He's a fruit cake.
No strong opinion on Trudeau. Go ahead man, look like a lion, don't say I didn't try to stop you...

You want to go after someone I admire, take a shot at Vint Cerf, Barbara Liskof, or Ray Kurzweil.
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Give Trudeau a break. He was having trouble getting the pilot light lit and there was a small accident.

They'll grow back.
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Funny to see such bloviating on manliness from the crowd that worshipped President dad-pants who throws a baseball like a girl.

Funny to see such bloviating on manliness from the crowd that worships President spray tan well-done ketchup

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