Byron Donalds urges House GOP leaders to hold vote on Biden impeachment after bombshell report


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Not sure impeaching Biden is the best political strategy but if right and wrong is still a thing in this country it's only right to hold Biden accountable for his crimes. Politically speaking I don't think Republicans will impeach him but if Trump win the election I expect them to file criminal charges against Biden and his sleezy corrupt family.
FJB, he will go down as the Worst POSUS in US History, a POSUS that was forced out by a Party he spent 50 yrs in enriching himself and they tossed him out on his ear.
The worst part of all is he will never remember any of it in his later yrs and will never be held accountable because of his mental decline. Nor will anyone in his Corrupt Dirty Dealing Family. Its too little too late for the Do Nothing Pubs to do anything to Biden or his Corrupt Family. You can bet part of the deal he made when he was forced out Jill made sure they would all be protected.
FJB, he will go down as the Worst POSUS in US History, a POSUS that was forced out by a Party he spent 50 yrs in enriching himself and they tossed him out on his ear.
The worst part of all is he will never remember any of it in his later yrs and will never be held accountable because of his mental decline. Nor will anyone in his Corrupt Dirty Dealing Family. Its too little too late for the Do Nothing Pubs to do anything to Biden or his Corrupt Family. You can bet part of the deal he made when he was forced out Jill made sure they would all be protected.
Democrats, specifically Biden set the precedent that it's acceptable to go after a former Presidents. Biden doesn't have the kind of money Trump has and can be easily bankrupted with legal fees. Let him get a taste of his own medicine and show Democrats what it's like.

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