But..... we're in a depression


Heisman Candidate
Sep 7, 2008
Looks like the wingnut predictions of economic apocalypse every since Obama took office need some fine tuning.

When exactly will Obamacare choke the economy again?

You guys still hanging on to your gold and ammo?

More awful economic news
Do you ever engage with real arguments of your opponent?

I guess you have more success when you make up things that aren't close to what anyone with a view you disagree with has said, build "a man" so flimsy that to call him a "straw man" is an insult to straw men everywhere, then proceed to beat the stuffing out of that lighter than straw man.
"The level of underemployment actually increased for the month, rising 275,000 to 7.5 million, and part-time positions for noneconomic reasons swelled by 840,000 to 19.5 million. The labor force participation rate was steady at 62.8 percent for the third straight month, though the level remains at a 36-year low."
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Sorry, I saw a syskatine post and assumed it contained obsessive Bush/Dumbya content.

My bad.

Please resume normal Bush/Dumbya posting activity.
Yeah sys, I'm cleaning up in the stock market and my company stock jumped 47% last year. Still trying to figure out what Obama had to do with it. My faith is in God and the Americans who choose to work everyday, not the government. But, meanwhile how are the poor doing that he promised would be better off?
Stock market is definitely doing well, but that is thanks to the fed, not Obama. The economy is ok, basically treading water except for a couple booming industries (oil and gas for one, and Obama has done everything in his power to shut that down, so it is booming in spite of the worst president since WWII).
Posted from Rivals Mobile
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Originally posted by poke2001:
Stock market is definitely doing well, but that is thanks to the fed, not Obama. The economy is ok, basically treading water except for a couple booming industries (oil and gas for one, and Obama has done everything in his power to shut that down, so it is booming in spite of the worst president since WWII).

Posted from Rivals Mobile
That's cool. Again, you just make up the way you want things to be. If things are good -- it's despite the librul president. If bad -- because of the librul president.

Not too many awful presidents can claim stock market highs, recovery from recession and significantly higher employment than his predecessor. Guess you guys aren't happy until the markets crash, recession hits and we're sucked into a couple of wars.
Originally posted by Marshal Jim Duncan:

"The level of underemployment actually increased for the month, rising 275,000 to 7.5 million, and part-time positions for noneconomic reasons swelled by 840,000 to 19.5 million. The labor force participation rate was steady at 62.8 percent for the third straight month, though the level remains at a 36-year low."
that is irrelevant to Sys

He only focuses on facts.
You understand the stock market is not controlled by the president, correct?

When the Dow reached highs under Bush, it wasn't because of him, it was a market rebound after the recession that started at the end of Clinton's presidency and 9/11...

In this case, the stock market is greatly exceeding the general economy. While the economy is nowhere near as bad as many on the right say it is, it isn't great. The total number of people out of the job market is still at 30+ year highs! the number on government assistance is much higher than ever has been! and a good number of the people who have found work in the past 6 years had to settle for part time work. That isn't a sign of a thriving economy. Again, it is ok, but not to the levels that support the current market. The Fed juicing the market for 6 years is why the stock market is where it is, and I have done fine with that. I'm also lucky that I work for a large oil and gas company because we are booming, mostly overseas though, and in areas that if Obama had his way domestically, we would be in trouble.

Obama is a terrible president, and not a single thing he has done has helped the overall can point to the Dow, but can you name a single piece of legislation he has pushed for and signed that has led to the Dow increase? How about on the regulatory front?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The stock market is booming because the Fed is artificially keeping the interest rate low so they can continue to print and then borrow back their own money at a low rate. This is killing the bond market. As a consequence, people aren't investing in bonds and moving their money over to stocks. This new money in stocks is inflating the stock market.

As soon as the fed starts raising rates again you'll see a huge dip in the stock market and a subsequent bump in the bond market as people re-balance their portfolio.
The stock market has been trending "up" ever since its inception. So it stands to reason that every president will have encountered a new stock market "high" point during his term.
Not too many awful presidents can claim stock market highs, recovery from recession and significantly higher employment than his predecessor. Guess you guys aren't happy until the markets crash, recession hits and we're sucked into a couple of wars.

I was just curious to see how far back this board goes and ran across this. I wonder if he still feels this way.
I was just curious to see how far back this board goes and ran across this. I wonder if he still feels this way.

Zero chance he has the sack to reply to your question.




Oh man!
Bwhahahahahahahahahahahah!!!! Ha!


Hahahahahahahahha you were wrong about Obama, now you're enjoying the obama afterglow and... huh?
You guys who actively trade buy ROKU before their next earnings (around August 14) and just hold it. Thank me in a year or two when it has tripled.....about three months ago I started a thread about trading on the non-sports board and recommended buying ROKU. It was at 62 that day. It will open around 103.5 today. I’ve made a killing on them this year and they will continue to grow exponentially for at least a few years.
That's cool. Again, you just make up the way you want things to be. If things are good -- it's despite the librul president. If bad -- because of the librul president.

Not too many awful presidents can claim stock market highs, recovery from recession and significantly higher employment than his predecessor. Guess you guys aren't happy until the markets crash, recession hits and we're sucked into a couple of wars.


Oh shit.

Revisited your ability to evaluate yet @Syskatine ?


What's Sys's intellectual rate of growth?

Oh shit.

Revisited your ability to evaluate yet @Syskatine ?


What's Sys's intellectual rate of growth?

Did Obams screw something up?

Has Biff done something outside of the Obama afterglow?

I'm still right, Brad. Why do you guys bring up threads where I've proven to be right?
Did Obams screw something up?

Has Biff done something outside of the Obama afterglow?

I'm still right, Brad. Why do you guys bring up threads where I've proven to be right?

Quite the change in tone from your original (quoted) post.

"Didn't screw anything up" is a pretty piss poor bar to cover.

And really, all those jobs that people could have been working for 8 long years, had Obama not gone Big Gov + Steroids, make my opinion "yeah, he screwed up plenty."
You guys who actively trade buy ROKU before their next earnings (around August 14) and just hold it. Thank me in a year or two when it has tripled.....about three months ago I started a thread about trading on the non-sports board and recommended buying ROKU. It was at 62 that day. It will open around 103.5 today. I’ve made a killing on them this year and they will continue to grow exponentially for at least a few years.
I don't know about ROKU stock, but I have those little devices on all my tv's and they're awesome.
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I am wondering if I am missing something, because surely no one would resurface a thread to rub sys's nose in being right.
I don't know about ROKU stock, but I have those little devices on all my tv's and they're awesome.

If you use the little hand held thing they'll make pictures pop up. Don't spill the apple juice on them though.

Dear God, you are serious. You think that after 8 years of nothing, the economy is now setting records 2.5 years AFTER Obama .... because of Obama?


Gotta be honest with ya... I'm feeling pretty good about this thread!

If you use the little hand held thing they'll make pictures pop up. Don't spill the apple juice on them though.

Gotta be honest with ya... I'm feeling pretty good about this thread!

You are literally comparing 5 years of data against 2 years of data. Could you be more dishonest. Why don't you carve out two years and then compare those two years to Trump then we'll see how they compare.

Interesting to note that under Trump he has created in two years almost 50% as many jobs Obama created in five.
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You are literally comparing 5 years of data against 2 years of data. Could you be more dishonest. Why don't you carve out two years and then compare those two years to Trump then we'll see how they compare.

Interesting to note that under Trump he has created in two years almost 50% as many jobs Obama created in five.

They gotta be counting Jan 2017 toward Obama and the remainder toward Trump.

So comparing 49 months to 29 ~60% of time, you get 10,412,000 to 5,613,000 and ~53% of the growth.

They cut out 2012 for Obama.
You are literally comparing 5 years of data against 2 years of data. Could you be more dishonest. Why don't you carve out two years and then compare those two years to Trump then we'll see how they compare.

Interesting to note that under Trump he has created in two years almost 50% as many jobs Obama created in five.

Your'e so shrill. OMG you could not be more dishonest. Do you really think 2017 counts as Obama? Take another look. Look up when the 2016 election took place and re-calculate your plutification.

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