Brett Kavenaugh letter details...

***Brad still never fvcking his wife, spends all free time on here and twitter circle jerking with other conservatives, posts bible scripture tweets and then falls back on schoolyard defense mechanisms I.e. “micropenis” in “elevated” discourse (yet another public reference to males), #losing badly in political arena...again***

It’s like fighting a blind man with one arm and 2 left feet lol
Noted as complete submission of the truth revealed.
But you've exposed nothing.

I readily admit I didn't expose nothing. Why you want me to expose something to you at 11:26 P.M is beyond me, but that is another conversation.

However, Senator Harris exposed Kavanaugh's ability to tell the truth by just asking two simple questions. If you haven't grasped this by now, perhaps you should go back and listen to my posts.
Someone’s life might be in danger while you drive the ambulance and post your babbling BS. I seriously fear for your patients.
Is this really supposed to be an insult? I'm trying hard to be insulted, but it's not working. You got anything else? Maybe a hearty "gooner" or something?

If it helps, I haven't worked on an ambulance in years.
1. You are not embracing your cognitive dissonance, and you are therefore not becoming a better you. Net result, you're more of a cost on others.

"Give a straight answer" you say. Did you hear him ask for clarification of scope? Are you even hearing me ask this, or are you gonna breeze right by it again? He desired to give a straight answer to the best of his recollection. You and Harris use wordsmithery (an inherently shady tactic) to frame a situation instead of attempting a meaningful dialogue.

2. Again with your mind reading. No I wouldn't have. Why? Because I understand the flaw in the question in how it was asked.

Try again.....and do better, because you're running out of runway due to wasting my time.

Your a lawyer? And you say this with a straight face?

Yes, and I'm telling your right now that had Kavenaugh done that in a courtroom, he would have been perceived as hiding something. In my experience, juries like straight answers. They will buy BS from the lawyers, but they don't buy it from the witnesses.

I'm sorry to inform you that you are not a mind reader and are falling on the side of confirmation bias, a very, very simple thing to both do and recognize. Strictly looking at the mechanics of the question and the answer, you're wrong. You cant read minds. And had she simply said something like "out of the DC office" or "Mr Green, Gray, or Blue or Mrs Navy or Muave" then she gets her question answered.

Hell, if she were prepared, she could have handed him a list with names and locations or had a projector put said list overhead.

It's not rocket science. This stuff isnt hard at all.

No, this isn't hard. So let's review the record:

Senator Harris: Judge, have you ever discussed special counsel Mueller or his investigation with anyone?

Simple question. If I asked you that, what would you say? It is a simple question. Yes or no.

What does Kavenaugh do? Doesn't answer it. Starts stuttering. Gets flustered. WHY? Would you? Damn, almost all Americans have discussed it. What is so wrong in saying "Yes"? He can't do it though lol!

Next up...

Senator Harris: Have you discussed it with anyone at a certain law firm?

Kavenaugh's response to a narrowing of the scope (since you were so concerned about scope)? More stuttering. More evasiveness.

Why? Answer the question.

But he can't.

He responds, "Is there a person you talked to." lol

He is now afraid she knows something he wasn't prepped on. He is more concerned with giving the "right" answer instead of the TRUTHFUL answer. Bam.

She exposed him. Clear to see. All because he couldn't answer a simple question.

Play the full clip, and not a 2 minute exert from NBC. She is the one who got exposed. He didn't play her game and she looked like a fool.
I readily admit I didn't expose nothing. Why you want me to expose something to you at 11:26 P.M is beyond me, but that is another conversation.

However, Senator Harris exposed Kavanaugh's ability to tell the truth by just asking two simple questions. If you haven't grasped this by now, perhaps you should go back and listen to my posts.

But what was exposed my2cents?
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Certainly merits a closer look if the reporting in the Judd Legum text is not misrepresented.
Scott Adams lol...versus a polygraph administered by a former FBI agent.
I thought it was administered by the FBI, Toon. That's what you posted in another thread. You even doubled down on it. Recanting your story already?
Two things strike me here. First if his friend actually “rescued” her, why would he deny it ever happened and secondly, they want the Republicans to vote this guy in so they can re-inflate the “rights war on women,” for the midterms and beyond. I’m guessing she probably did have something happen to her but it wasn’t by Kavanaugh.

Ironically some of the same people wanting to put the breaks on this deal were around when Clinton was attacking and raping women and they uttered not a peep.

Getting another conservative on the Supreme Court is way more important than try to look good so a bunch of limp dick fake ass conservatives can call themselves the “majority.”

Feinstein is a giant prune faced POS for sitting on the letter as well. Anyone who can look at these people and say they have the best interests for this country at heart or that they are the best we can do is a delusional half-wit.
Funny, none of this appeared during any of Kavanaugh's previous 5 FBI investigations for positions in the WH and other court.
Would you admit to raping someone or aiding and abetting in such criminal activity? wouldn’t.

Sooooo...we’re back to square F’ing one.

Yep. Unfortunately, if victims choose to wait 35 years to raise their allegations then yes, potential criminal acts will be disregarded due to an inability to verify the truth. For the record, I'd feel the same way if this were a Dem candidate.

Question though. Per this thread, she supposedly told a therapist in 2012. Isn't a therapist required to report this to law enforcement?

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