BREAKING: Violent Pogrom Ongoing in Amsterdam

That’s a shame. As Bearcat would say maybe if Hamas would surrender this wouldn’t happen.
Probably wouldn't and I do know it wouldn't be taking place if Hamas hadn't attacked on October 7th. Sadly you refuse to accept the Palestinians are the problem.
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That’s a shame. As Bearcat would say maybe if Hamas would surrender this wouldn’t happen.

Now I know where [P-DAN] took his sabbatical last week. He was at Amsterdam's biggest Israeli open season whack-a-Jew contest. I can see it now, him strolling Oudezijds Voorburgwal taking in the girls behind the glass then heading over to Proeflokaal Arendsnest to tip a few pints and rehearsing "your papers, now" in Dutch. Did you get any pics (or stiches) [P-DAN]?

Nothing like hooking up with your internet buds off the continent, eh?

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