BREAKING: Tulsi Gabbard endorses President Trump

Guess @my_2cents will also call her crazy. That lady is another former democrat who has witnessed first hand the weaponzation of our judicial system by an administration he supposedly supports. I hope (not sure why) that 2_cents does not ever have to face a situation like that because I truly believe the person would fold like a cheap tent. I more thing, 2_cents may be the first person to die of terminal dumbass.

I would 100% support her in a 2028 run for the presidency should she choose to run.

Saw this a few days ago, she was talking about it in an interview the other day.​

Hawaii lawmakers demand TSA explanation for Tulsi Gabbard's inclusion on terrorist watchlist​

"In the letter, the Hawaii representatives accused the TSA of including Gabbard on the Quiet Skies Program watchlist without explanation. They also claim air marshals have harassed Gabbard and her husband on multiple flights."
Just heard a prophecy that Robin Bullock gave in 12-2021: He said someone from the left will jump to the right, and they will expose the 'dirt' in the party, and a Trumpet will be sounded that will organize the people.

He's explaining that he thought at the time that the prophecy was describing Joe Manchin, but he said Manchin did not fulfill the prophecy and that it appears RFK is.
Just heard a prophecy that Robin Bullock gave in 12-2021: He said someone from the left will jump to the right, and they will expose the 'dirt' in the party, and a Trumpet will be sounded that will organize the people.

He's explaining that he thought at the time that the prophecy was describing Joe Manchin, but he said Manchin did not fulfill the prophecy and that it appears RFK is.

I honestly thought she would be the VP pick that made the most sense because I thought she could go ham on the left and it would resonate because then both Trump and Tulsi would have left the left due to how batshit insane they have become.

RFK helps but bless his heart you can't understand what he says half the time. Tulsi is clear, articulate, intelligent, smokin' hot, and she has no fear about calling out the left.

This might be part of Trump's plan: Let Tulsi be the wrecking ball against the left moreso than Trump is till the election. Gives the left another target to worry about, and it placates the 'Trump needs to stop being so mean!' nervous nellies.