BOTW (tm) Nominee


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Whoever was the completely irresponsible jackass who dropped off their pregnant cat in my neighborhood last month. (not uncommon in my area, given that I live adjacent to a large fenced in wooded area about a mile square.)

I've been trying to catch her for the last few weeks and then she disappeared only to show up again in my back yard (under my utility shed) with a litter of kittens. Had to open the shed doors, put down some food and water to lure her in. Finally, yesterday she relocated her kittens to the shed and after about an hour we were able to catch her and kittens and put them in an animal carrier. Took them animal shelter this morning.

Mama cat was tick infested, looks like she suffered some kind of eye damage and kittens would have likely starved if not for the food/water we gave to mom to get her milk flowing.

Not that the person who did this gives a rat's patootie.

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