border problems??? no demtard help???

Mexico paying for the wall.....:eek: @Syskatine

Not sure what you would call it, but I have become a selective shopper. Don't buy crap from China or Mexico if it is labeled thus. Yes often pay more but no big deal.
Also won't vacation in Mexico or blue run states. Not going to feed the blue state tax beast, the stolen intellectual property cheap labor beast or the cheap produce beast.

Going to Wyoming I'll drive through Kansas to Nebraska hang a left on I-90 and go to Wyoming. Will not drive through Colorado. Will not vacation anywhere I'm paying absurd amounts of taxes for hotel rooms, gas, etc.

If the produce says made n Mexico, I'll look for an American produced product and pay more or buy something similar that is American produced.

Quit buying Chinese made crap a while back. I'll either pay more or go without.
I would really like to know that if this is such a huge problem, and its been that way for years, why didn't President Trump fix it when the Republican's controlled both Congress and the Senate? You can't blame the other side when your guys ( and Ladies) dropped the ball
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I would really like to know that if this is such a huge problem, and its been that way for years, why didn't President Trump fix it when the Republican's controlled both Congress and the Senate? You can't blame the other side when your guys ( and Ladies) dropped the ball
Because he had Paul Ryan as Speaker whose top donor was the US Chamber of Commerce which is absolutely against sealing the border. They and the 3 million businesses they represent want the cheap labor. There were many other repubes and all the dems who were sucking on the tits of donors wanting the cheap labor.
Because he had Paul Ryan as Speaker whose top donor was the US Chamber of Commerce which is absolutely against sealing the border. They and the 3 million businesses they represent want the cheap labor. There were many other repubes and all the dems who were sucking on the tits of donors wanting the cheap labor.

and paul ryan was on his way out the door into the private sector

no chance he’s taking a principled stand

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