LOL. He is already getting his Karma and reckoning, he will be judged by his political enemies the same way he judged his political enemies while revealing the hypocrisy in his belief every accusation from women merits belief. This morally corrupt politician has cost the Dems votes. Funny for you to accept the hypocrisy and defend the man at all costs and now place a women in a position you previously were not willing to accept. You think facts are important to you, they are not.
The problem you are going to have to accept is that politics is going to get dirtier and Reps with what little media they have after BK is going to fight just as dirty as Dems. Dems like to kick sand, but cry like babies when it is kicked back.
Libs and lib media bragged they ruined BK's life, I hope they do the same to this man, all is fair when you start an all out war and this man was an officer.