N NZ Poke Heisman Candidate Dec 16, 2007 6,088 7,047 113 Oct 22, 2018 #1 Highly-suggested video about Bolsonaro and the upcoming Brazilian election. F*cked up Bloomberg headline Reactions: GunsOfFrankEaton
Highly-suggested video about Bolsonaro and the upcoming Brazilian election. F*cked up Bloomberg headline
windriverrange Heisman Candidate Gold Member Jul 7, 2008 10,234 14,860 113 Catoosa Oct 23, 2018 #3 Left Rio for Buenos Aires on Sunday......stopped by two street venders selling Bolsonaro shirts, but no one had an XXL, too bad.
Left Rio for Buenos Aires on Sunday......stopped by two street venders selling Bolsonaro shirts, but no one had an XXL, too bad.