Board Dems Pounce

It shows how much they secretly revere trump that their expectations weren’t met. They thought he would do what 70 years of presidents couldn’t and they’re disappointed.

I hoped he would succeed at SOMETHING. the likelihood of Kim giving up those nukes is approximately the same as Mexico paying for the wall.
Why doesn’t no threats to SK and no nuclear testing count as something in all caps?

Because Kim has slaves generating nukes faster than you can wink. Right now, while you're reading this, 75 glowing, 85 lb., totally committed north koreans are spinning up uranium.
On Trump walking away from the table.

"Utter failure" gloats @Syskatine

"You're an idiot," prattles @Toonsbackyeshesback

More at 8.
Trump walks away from the meeting and the soy boy and Basement Queen REEEEEEEEEEEEE! I guess Trump should have given Lil Kim everything he wanted just to say he got a deal done? I see why the loser twins loved the Iran deal.

I wonder when the last time Lil Kim tested an ICBM was? It was a regular occurrence when the Kenyan donkey herder was in office. I'm pretty sure Lil Kim did those tests because it was funny to watch the president of the most powerful country on earth piss down his leg every single time.
Maybe...just maybe...Humpty Trumpty should’ve listened to people smarter than him on foreign policy (among copious other topics) before another inflation of a dictator’s already-swollen ego.

Third summits a charm?
Like I said, you dipshits call it a victory when someone gives the other side everything it wants just to be able to gloat that a deal was done. Trump walked away with no deal. That's exactly how it should be done. You don't ink a deal without getting what YOU want.
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Which happens first, NK de-nuking or Mexico paying for a wall?
Which happens first, NK de-nuking or Mexico paying for a wall?
Or if course anyone getting good healthcare under Medicare for all!
NK's participation was being orchestrated by China with the intent to get the tariffs currently having an adverse effect on China's economy lifted. Trump was correct to reject that and walk away. Kim is so indebted to China for his survival that he can't wipe his ass each morning unless China ships him the toilet paper.