Should Trump be forced to sell off (divest) all his ties to his empire or is placing them in a blind trust sufficient?
Because there are many who are demanding that he sell off everything since, as President, he will be making statements and proposing policy which will have a direct benefit to his empire. They are also saying letting his children run the organization will allow him to "suggest" to them what to do with any of his investments.Why is this even a question?
Because there are many who are demanding that he sell off everything since, as President, he will be making statements and proposing policy which will have a direct benefit to his empire. They are also saying letting his children run the organization will allow him to "suggest" to them what to do with any of his investments.
I'm sure Nancy Pelosi or Diane Feinstein never consider legislation which could benefit their investor husbands. It wasn't too long ago when Congress was allowed to make stock market trades and other investments prior to voting on legislation which benefited those investments.Stupid. Nothing prevents him from owning property or having investments. To hell with them all. Let him do as he pleases. So sick of this righteous indignation from the left. They don't have moral high ground. Out
Because Obama eliminated his conflicts of interest when he became president. ... Oh wait...Why is this even a question?
I'm sure Nancy Pelosi or Diane Feinstein never consider legislation which could benefit their investor husbands. It wasn't too long ago when Congress was allowed to make stock market trades and other investments prior to voting on legislation which benefited those investments.
I believe that was changed given the uproar which came about although, whether permitted or not, it's easily overcome.Are they no longer exempt from insider trading?
Stupid. Nothing prevents him from owning property or having investments. To hell with them all. Let him do as he pleases. So sick of this righteous indignation from the left. They don't have moral high ground. Out
Whatever happened to avoiding an appearance of impropriety? Judges have to do it. Why hold the POTUS to a lesser standard?
At the end of the day, being POTUS should be his #1 priority with everything else a distant second. Does he not have enough money that he can't set it down until his term(s) is completed?
I can see plenty of opportunity for corruption if keeps his business ventures chugging while he's POTUS. I can't see any down side to divestiture or some meaningful blind trust arrangement, assuming it's possible.
I wasn't aware being the nation's chief executive carried monastic vows of poverty. Tell me more.
Corruption concerns... So ironic coming from someone who voted for Hillary Clinton, of the Clinton Foundation.
Question. Did JFK give up his ties to his family fortune?
Well, so he either lives in poverty or keeps everything going? That's not an intellectually honest choice.
I don't know about JFK.
Arguendo hypothetical: we need to get tougher with Erdogan. Trump has a valuable property in Turkey. Why even have a pressure point for POTUS? He obviously cares about his wealth.
Hypothetical - what if he Uses his own money to buy himself a fighter jet, which he learns to fly and uses to personally turns back an (extra terrestrial) alien invasion force?
You realize the guy is already a multibillionaire right?
Oh. Well never mind the appearance of impropriety then. since he's wealthy.
Hypothetical - what if he Uses his own money to buy himself a fighter jet, which he learns to fly and uses to personally turns back an (extra terrestrial) alien invasion force?
I give up. He's a man if unimpeachable integrity and we shouldn't reasonably expect him to avoid impropriety. It won't be a distraction from his public duties.
I reject your binary work of black and white extremes. Either everything is a concern or he's infallible. Nope.
Plenty of things to be concerned about potentially regarding decisions he will make and policies he may enforce or enact. But a rich guy making himself marginally richer is a foolish, contrived thing worthy of mockery.
And I'm here to mock the foolish. Happy Thanksgiving!
I give up. He's a man if unimpeachable integrity and we shouldn't reasonably expect him to avoid impropriety. It won't be a distraction from his public duties.
Who ties your shoes in the morning? Wait, you wear velcro because your ultra-independent aren't you?
And yet they still don't get it Harry. They still don't understand that the dog fall on Trump and 100% overboard character assasination/bias helped get Trump elected. Now they continue to be the same blind sychophantic liberal knee pad wearing group as before, just doubling done on the same crap as before.
One thing Trump is not: greedy.
Am I right?!
Yes, we need to quit expecting transparency and the same conflict of interest protections every other POTUS in recent history has followed.
I do t know. At what point do you maoists consider success to cross over into greed?
Perhaps you'd have been taken serious had you not had this revelation upon the election of Trump. At this point it doesn't even come off as sincere.
Am I going out on a limb in assuming you never advocated for this in the past?
What POTUS has had conflicts of interest in their financial dealings? Refused to release tax returns? Refused a blind trust? Insisted on keeping his businesses up and running?
Perhaps you'd have been taken serious had you not had this revelation upon the election of Trump. At this point it doesn't even come off as sincere.
Am I going out on a limb in assuming you never advocated for this in the past?
What POTUS has had conflicts of interest in their financial dealings? Refused to release tax returns? Refused a blind trust? Insisted on keeping his businesses up and running?
Who cares?
It is beyond idiotic if you supported Hillary to complain about potential for future corruption like it's suddenly an important character issue for you.
Who cares?
It is beyond idiotic if you supported Hillary to complain about potential for future corruption like it's suddenly an important character issue for you.