Bless his heart: Rocco Landseman, former Obama admin official

Almost everyone who has managed to make it through elementary, middle school and high school has suffered far worse than having to look at some historical mural. The American Taliban......take down a cross honoring Americans who gave their life's for this awesome country and remove murals or statues that may offend some fragile soul. Good luck in real life kiddos.....although I doubt any of those kids really care, its the insane left adults driving this nonsense.
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Almost everyone who has managed to make it through elementary, middle school and high school has suffered far worse than having to look at some historical mural. The American Taliban......take down a cross honoring Americans who gave their life's for this awesome country and remove murals or statues that may offend some fragile soul. Good luck in real life kiddos.....although I doubt any of those kids really care, its the insane left adults driving this nonsense.
People looked at those paintings, murals, statues, and other historical objects everyday with nary a peep until the democrat dogooders began whitewashing history. History they created.

I can't count the number of times I drove by Lee Park in Dallas and saw people of all colors partying, playing and walking around and on Gen. Lee's statue. All of a sudden its mere presence imposed mental illness on many of those same people.
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