Bipartisan Support For Reform To Electoral Act

Some good news here. Members of Congress, from both parties, are working on a bipartisian plan to reform how Congress tallies Electoral College votes, among other things. The effort has the support of the President.

Good step in the right direction in terms of stopping a repeat of January 6.

Electoral act reform picks up growing bipartisan support
How does anyone know if this is good or bad? The posted article is totally devoid of any substance other than “muh, bipartisan.......”
How does anyone know if this is good or bad?
Because reform to the act is clearly needed and politicians on both sides recognize this. What they are discussing is good. The article wasn't devoid of any substance and there are countless other articles discussing this bipartisian effort if you care to actually know what is being discussed.

I have zero doubt though that you will oppose this effort and any bipartisan bill that fixes the act and attempts to stop another January 6 from occurring. As soon as you see the word bipartisan, your support is gone. Especially as it relates to this issue.
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Because reform to the act is clearly needed and politicians on both sides recognize this. What they are discussing is good. The article wasn't devoid of any substance and there are countless other articles discussing this bipartisian effort if you care to actually know what is being discussed.

I have zero doubt though that you will oppose this effort and any bipartisian bill that fixes the act and attempts to stop another January 6 from occurring. As soon as you see the word bipartisian, your support is gone. Especially as it relates to this issue.
Did you trumpet the bipartisan defeat of the Democrats Voting rights bill? After all it was bipartisan.
Did you trumpet the bipartisan defeat of the Democrats Voting rights bill? After all it was bipartisan.
Yes, I supported the voting rights bill. I also support the bipartisan effort that is currently underway to reform the electoral act and ensure January 6 doesn't happen again.

Also, were you not the one talking about how you wanted to see more bipartisan effort as well as bipartisan bills being passed? Claiming you were all for bipartisanship?

Well, here you go. Let's see how quick you are to support it. Or, are you waiting on your right-wing propagandists to tell you what you should think about this?
Yes, I supported the voting rights bill. I also support the bipartisan effort that is currently underway to reform the electoral act and ensure January 6 doesn't happen again.

Also, were you not the one talking about how you wanted to see more bipartisan effort as well as bipartisan bills being passed? Claiming you were all for bipartisanship?

Well, here you go. Let's see how quick you are to support it. Or, are you waiting on your right-wing propagandists to tell you what you should think about this?

Not what I asked? I asked are you celebrating the Democrat's Voting Rights Bill being defeated on a bipartisan basis.

As to the Electoral legislation, I haven't seen how the bill is written or what is in it. I'm open to looking at it but it's way too early to say if I support it or not.
I asked are you celebrating the Democrat's Voting Rights Bill being defeated on a bipartisan basis.

As to the Electoral legislation, I haven't seen how the bill is written or what is in it. I'm open to looking at it but it's way too early to say if I support it or not.
You won't support it.

That, I am sure of. You will take your marching orders, as usual, from your right-wing propagandists.
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You won't support it.

That, I am sure of. You will take your marching orders, as usual, from your right-wing propagandists.

Oh, so it's OK if a person doesn't support legislation even if it's bipartisan or does that only apply to you?

I'll let you in on a little secret. I do not consider it bipartisan legislation when just a couple from one party vote with the other. IMO true bipartisan legislation is legislation that receives votes from the majority of both parties. That is my idea of good legislation. Unfortunately, the country is so divided along ideological lines that is very rare, and I would be perfectly fine not passing a single bill until true bipartisan legislation is agreed to and passed.
Oh, so it's OK if a person doesn't support legislation even if it's bipartisan or does that only apply to you?
I'm not the one who got on a soapbox about bipartisanship, like you did.

You pick and choose what bipartisan efforts you will support based upon what your right-wing propagandists tell you. This totally contradicts though what you have claimed you want to see. You are a walking contradiction.

I do not consider it bipartisan legislation when just a couple from one party vote with the other. IMO true bipartisan legislation is legislation that receives votes from the majority of both parties.
Moving the goal posts now and completely undercutting your own argument!


So then, the defeat of the voting rights bill really wasn't bipartisan according to your new definition, correct?

See what you just did!🤣🤣
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I'm not the one who got on a soapbox about bipartisanship, like you did.

You pick and choose what bipartisan efforts you will support based upon what your right-wing propagandists tell you. This totally contradicts though what you have claimed you want to see. You are a walking contradiction.

Moving the goal posts now and completely undercutting your own argument!


So then, the defeat of the voting rights bill really wasn't bipartisan according to your new definition, correct?

See what you just did!🤣🤣
Bless your heart. You are a child come back when you grow up.

Using the left's definition of bipartisan is when one Republican votes for a Democrat bill. Is it really bipartisan if only one or two people from the minority party votes with the majority? Not IMO but hey you are entitled to your own.

I would think the term majority was self-explanatory to anyone with the slightest bit of sense but to put it in terms you can understand. Out of a total of 100, 51 would be a majority, 49 would not. Hopefully my explanation was simple enough for you to understand but if not I'm sure I could use crayons and building blocks to give you a visual reference.
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Using the left's definition of bipartisan is when one Republican votes for a Democrat bill.
Who has given this definition of bipartisan on here or anywhere else? Provide a link where Democrats claim this is the definition of bipartisanism. I'll be waiting.

With that said, I'm still waiting on you to answer the question. You claimed the defeat of the voting civil rights bill was bipartisan (according to you) and then claimed that bipartisanism is something that receives votes from the majority of both parties. And yes, I know what majority means, hence the reason I asked the question you keep struggling to answer.

Again . . .

Explain how the voting rights bill was defeated on a bipartisan basis when you now define bipartisan as votes from the "majority" of both parties?
Who has given this definition of bipartisan on here or anywhere else? Provide a link where Democrats claim this is the definition of bipartisanism. I'll be waiting.

With that said, I'm still waiting on you to answer the question. You claimed the defeat of the voting civil rights bill was bipartisan (according to you) and then claimed that bipartisanism is something that receives votes from the majority of both parties. And yes, I know what majority means, hence the reason I asked the question you keep struggling to answer.

Again . . .

Explain how the voting rights bill was defeated on a bipartisan basis when you now define bipartisan as votes from the "majority" of both parties?

Maybe if you didn't only rely on your propaganda outlets for your opinions you might be better informed. I do apologize for not being more detailed in my discussions I keep forgetting I'm dealing with a person that has a child's intellect. I will do my best to keep this in mind in the future.

As I tried to explain earlier, I was using the leftists (Nancy Pelosi's) standard for the definition of bipartisan. Again, my apologies for not taking into account your childish nature. I'm sure that was very confusing for you.

In keeping with dealing with your childish nature, my reasoning for providing you my opinion on what bipartisan legislation was to try to show you what real bipartisan legislation should look like, not the false talking points of inept, lying, corrupt politicians and talking heads in the media. Unlike you and other leftist I do not want our government ruling over people, I want our government to govern. It's easy to rule, you just make a one-sided decision, implement the policy and destroy anyone who disagrees. It is much harder, more time consuming, more frustrating and far and away better to govern. Finding a happy medium that works for the overwhelming majority of the country is what is best for this country and by doing so over the last 200 sum odd years created what was once the greatest country every known. I'm afraid we are rapidly losing that title with the division we see today.
A lot of those bills cited received more than just one Republican vote though. You are right though, a few did receive just one Republican vote. Pelosi was clearly wrong to label those one vote bills bipartisan just as you are wrong to label bipartisanship as majority votes from both parties.

As I tried to explain earlier, I was using the leftists (Nancy Pelosi's) standard for the definition of bipartisan.
lol, no you were not. Nice attempt at backtracking though. But, after your own definition of bipartisanship completely undercut your own argument, backtracking is all you had left to do.

With that said, you now agree then that the defeat of the voting rights act was not bipartisan according to your definition, correct?

Unlike you and other leftist I do not want our government ruling over people, I want our government to govern.
You made this statement before and it was shown to not be what you really believe. What you really want is the Republican Party to rule and you have no problem with them passing bills without bipartisan support. You have made that clear numerous times. Why do you continue to be dishonest?

When Democrats are in power though, you switch gears and start demanding bipartisanship. Which, according to your definition, would be very hard to achieve on meaningful legislation.

If Republicans take back control of the House, will you attack them every time they pass a bill without the support of a majority of Democrats? Will you claim Republicans are ruling and not governing?
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A lot of those bills cited received more than just one Republican vote though. You are right though, a few did receive just one Republican vote. Pelosi was clearly wrong to label those one vote bills bipartisan just as you are wrong to label bipartisanship as majority votes from both parties.

lol, no you were not. Nice attempt at backtracking though. But, after your own definition of bipartisanship completely undercut your own argument, backtracking is all you had left to do.

With that said, you now agree then that the defeat of the voting rights act was not bipartisan according to your definition, correct?

You made this statement before and it was shown to not be what you really believe. What you really want is the Republican Party to rule and you have no problem with them passing bills without bipartisan support. You have made that clear numerous times. Why do you continue to be dishonest?

When Democrats are in power though, you switch gears and start demanding bipartisanship. Which, according to your definition, would be very hard to achieve on meaningful legislation.

If Republicans take back control of the House, will you attack them everytime they pass a bill without the support of a majority of Democrats? Will you claim Republicans are ruling and not governing?

You and people like you are the problem in this country. You refuse to listen, refuse to learn and refuse to accept that the greatness about our country is the diversity of thought. Despite your desire we are not a collective and never will be.
Some good news here. Members of Congress, from both parties, are working on a bipartisan plan to reform how Congress tallies Electoral College votes, among other things. The effort has the support of the President.

Good step in the right direction in terms of stopping a repeat of January 6.

Electoral act reform picks up growing bipartisan support
Definitely some good news. I hope this bipartisan effort works.
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Oh, so it's OK if a person doesn't support legislation even if it's bipartisan or does that only apply to you?

I'll let you in on a little secret. I do not consider it bipartisan legislation when just a couple from one party vote with the other. IMO true bipartisan legislation is legislation that receives votes from the majority of both parties. That is my idea of good legislation. Unfortunately, the country is so divided along ideological lines that is very rare, and I would be perfectly fine not passing a single bill until true bipartisan legislation is agreed to and passed.
I'm sorry, but to claim legislation can only be bipartisan if majorities from both parties vote for it is misguided.
You and people like you are the problem in this country. You refuse to listen, refuse to learn and refuse to accept that the greatness about our country is the diversity of thought. Despite your desire we are not a collective and never will be.
Once again . . .

With that said, you now agree then that the defeat of the voting rights act was not bipartisan according to your definition, correct?
If Republicans take back control of the House, will you attack them every time they pass a bill without the support of a majority of Democrats? Will you claim Republicans are ruling and not governing?
Once again . . .
I guess that would depend on whose definition of bipartisan we are using. If we use the Pelosi's definition yes it was a bipartisan defeat, using my definition no it wasn't. How you can't seem to grasp that out of all the posts is beyond me.

I see you are beginning to come around to the reality of the 2022 midterms. If Democrats were as successful as you say they've been why would you be thinking about the possibility Democrats get sent packing?

How can I say whether I would attack Republicans, I haven't seen the legislation? Just like I can't say whether I support the electoral legislation Democrats have proposed, I haven't seen it. Believe it or not some of us out there are not blind followers of political parties.
using my definition no it wasn't.
Thank you.

That is all I was asking, which took you forever to answer. Good to know that you now think the defeat of the voting rights bill was not bipartisan (as you originally claimed). Next time, don't make such a foolish claim.

I see you are beginning to come around to the reality of the 2022 midterms. If Democrats were as successful as you say they've been why would you be thinking about the possibility Democrats get sent packing?
I've been saying for a while now that I fully expect Republicans to perform well in the midterms this year. Where have you been?

And the reason I expect this is because the party out of the White House historically does well in the midterms, especially the midterms of a new President's first term. I've stated this too over and over again.

How can I say whether I would attack Republicans, I haven't seen the legislation? Just like I can't say whether I support the electoral legislation Democrats have proposed, I haven't seen it. Believe it or not some of us out there are not blind followers of political parties.
:rolleyes:, goodness!

You have stated that you don't want one party to "rule" and force legislation upon the American people unless it is bipartisan. You want to see "governing," you claim. You want to see bills past that are bipartisan and not just one party forcing something through by a party-line vote.

Now, since this is what you claim to believe, if Republicans take control of the House and start passing non-bipartisan bills, will you claim they are not governing but ruling? Will you demand that Republicans pass only bipartisan bills? Simple yes or no is all that is needed.
Thank you.

That is all I was asking, which took you forever to answer. Good to know that you now think the defeat of the voting rights bill was not bipartisan (as you originally claimed). Next time, don't make such a foolish claim.

I've been saying for a while now that I fully expect Republicans to perform well in the midterms this year. Where have you been?

And the reason I expect this is because the party out of the White House historically does well in the midterms, especially the midterms of a new President's first term. I've stated this too over and over again.

:rolleyes:, goodness!

You have stated that you don't want one party to "rule" and force legislation upon the American people unless it is bipartisan. You want to see "governing," you claim. You want to see bills past that are bipartisan and not just one party forcing something through by a party-line vote.

Now, since this is what you claim to believe, if Republicans take control of the House and start passing non-bipartisan bills, will you claim they are not governing but ruling? Will you demand that Republicans pass only bipartisan bills? Simple yes or no is all that is needed.

I answered your question in my second post, but you were to eat up with the dumbass to understand it.

I don't want one party rule, I want the left to come to their senses and come back to the middle. I want the right to come back to the middle as well. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening anytime soon with as divided as this county is.
I don't want one party rule, I want the left to come to their senses and come back to the middle. I want the right to come back to the middle as well. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening anytime soon with as divided as this county is.
Ok, so then this means you will criticize Republicans if they start "ruling instead of governing" if they take back the House. Only bipartisan bills should be passed by a Republican controlled House, according to you.

Look forward to seeing if this is what you are advocating for come 2023 if the Republicans take back the House.
Ok, so then this means you will criticize Republicans if they start "ruling instead of governing" if they take back the House. Only bipartisan bills should be passed by a Republican controlled House, according to you.

Look forward to seeing if this is what you are advocating for come 2023 if the Republicans take back the House.
What are you stupid? How many times must you be told it depends on the legislation.

If you look at the votes on legislation over the last few years, it's Democrats voting in lockstep not Republicans. Republican just started doing the same and Democrats are outraged so bad they have tried to change the rules to shove their legislation up our ass. Now Democrats are talking about using reconciliation to get parts of their ridiculous Build Back Better legislation passed. When Republicans regain control of Congress, they will not be able to do the same with that idiot in the White House. That should force the two sides to work together.
How many times must you be told it depends on the legislation.

So, it all depends on if you agree with the legislation, huh? If you do, to hell with bipartisanship. If you don't, then you get all mad and scream about how there needs to be bipartisanship?
