Weird that you support that given your stance on the FBI'sLol pigs squaling under a gate. Sorry there's gonna be a fair and thorough investigation, probably with more indictments.
Weird that you support that given your stance on the FBI'scriminal investigationsecurity review of Hillary'spotential crimesemail matter. I really don't think there's a bigger partisan dick smoker in existence, and that's saying a lot with your baby brother Clintoon on this board. There's definitely "you" in "team." Impressively impressive.
When they gonna git Trump? Any day now? Soon? More indictments for collusion? How many do they have for collusion now? Noneteen? Twentynone? None hundred and nonety none? Git that collusioner!
For collusion? How many? None hundred and nonety five? This is all about Trump and muh Russia, right? I hope nobody is wailing about low level criminal jackassery from 2012 as the central part of this collusion investigation.Care to count the indictments?
For collusion? How many? Nonety six?Guilty pleas?
Yeah, I've seen literally nonedreds of bodies indicted and pleading guilty for this muh Russia collusion thing. So, when is Trump's turn? Next? 3 months?Only been a year and quite the body count...