Big pharma loving leftists


Heisman Candidate
May 29, 2001
I know you guys like to pump up the profits for big pharma and automatically oppose everything that Trump might have said. But, if interested, some info on a large ivermectin study here:
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“Conclusion: In this large PSM study, regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.”
I don't know which studies one can trust and which ones one can't with as political as Democrats made the COVID Pandemic, I can only speak from personal expereince. Last week my daughter went from on the verge of being hospitalized with COVID to taking one dose of Ivermectin and making a miraculous turn for the better in just a few hours. After two doses she was back up on her feet, no fever, no headache and no body aches. By day three she was almost back to 100% but didn't have a lot of stamina. Now It's day 6 and she is back to her old self. I think so highly of it I have obtained and filled a prescription for Ivermectin for both my wife and I in the event we come down with COVID. Total cost of both prescriptions combined $20 with no insurance.
To think that Democrats, their followers and the MSM vilified this drug only because Trump said it could be beneficial blows my mind. How many people suffered, how many died because the left wanted to play politics? Have no idea but from my point of view anyone that puts their politics over people's health is evil and an absolute idiot.

A preprint of an ivermectin study in the Brazilian city of Itajaí found that prophylactic ivermectin reduced COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality by half

Overstates scientific confidence: The study contained multiple methodological flaws that call the reliability of its conclusions into question. For example, there are indications that many people assigned to the ivermectin treatment group didn’t take the drug consistently, or stopped taking it after a while. It is therefore unclear whether any observed effect in this group can be reliably attributed to ivermectin treatment.”

A preprint of an ivermectin study in the Brazilian city of Itajaí found that prophylactic ivermectin reduced COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality by half

Overstates scientific confidence: The study contained multiple methodological flaws that call the reliability of its conclusions into question. For example, there are indications that many people assigned to the ivermectin treatment group didn’t take the drug consistently, or stopped taking it after a while. It is therefore unclear whether any observed effect in this group can be reliably attributed to ivermectin treatment.”
Here’s an idea: let those that want to take it take it and those that don’t want to take it take the medicine they prefer.
Here’s an idea: let those that want to take it take it and those that don’t want to take it take the medicine they prefer.

Why would any leftist want to take ivermectin after they vilified it for so long? I don't have a problem if leftist don't want to take a certain drug or if they want to take other drugs, but I do expect the left to allow me the same.
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A preprint of an ivermectin study in the Brazilian city of Itajaí found that prophylactic ivermectin reduced COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality by half

Overstates scientific confidence: The study contained multiple methodological flaws that call the reliability of its conclusions into question. For example, there are indications that many people assigned to the ivermectin treatment group didn’t take the drug consistently, or stopped taking it after a while. It is therefore unclear whether any observed effect in this group can be reliably attributed to ivermectin treatment.”
Maybe not perfect. I don't know. If there were some imperfections, was it marginal? Maybe these numbers were off by a few percent? In any case, pretty drastic:

The regular use of ivermectin led to a 68% reduction in COVID-19 mortality (25 [0.8%] versus 79 [2.6%] among ivermectin non-users; RR, 0.32; 95% CI, 0.20-0.49; p < 0.0001). When adjusted for residual variables, reduction in mortality rate was 70% (RR, 0.30; 95% CI, 0.19-0.46; p < 0.0001). There was a 56% reduction in hospitalization rate (44 versus 99 hospitalizations among ivermectin users and non-users, respectively; RR, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.31-0.63; p < 0.0001). After adjustment for residual variables, reduction in hospitalization rate was 67% (RR, 0.33; 95% CI, 023-0.66; p < 0.0001).
To think that Democrats, their followers and the MSM vilified this drug only because Trump said it could be beneficial blows my mind. How many people suffered, how many died because the left wanted to play politics? Have no idea but from my point of view anyone that puts their politics over people's health is evil and an absolute idiot.
Yep. Particularly with a medication that is so safe and been used billions of times for human health benefits over the last 30 years.
Here’s an idea: let those that want to take it take it and those that don’t want to take it take the medicine they prefer.
Where in my post did I say anything about your or anyone’s choice to take or not to take an unproven treatment??? Lol Your near-automatic primary motivation in any reply is to find some hidden authoritarian agenda in anyone’s post.

Passive-aggression on display.

My post simply refutes the “LeFtiSt/DeMoCraT” righty-blame-game ideological narrative typical of the OP.
Where in my post did I say anything about your or anyone’s choice to take or not to take an unproven treatment??? Lol Your near-automatic primary motivation in any reply is to find some hidden authoritarian agenda in anyone’s post.

Passive-aggression on display.

My post simply refutes the “LeFtiSt/DeMoCraT” righty-blame-game ideological narrative typical of the OP.
Likewise nowhere in my post did I say you said anything about people’s choices. That you call ivermectin an “unproven treatment” is a false accusation, however. There is plenty of evidence to dispute that claim.
Likewise nowhere in my post did I say you said anything about people’s choices. That you call ivermectin an “unproven treatment” is a false accusation, however. There is plenty of evidence to dispute that claim.
As there is plenty to dispute its effectiveness
Two things:

1). Those inmates should not have been given ivermectin against their will. That comports with my first post on the subject, the one to which you took personal exception.

2). I’ve not had Covid, nor am I particularly afraid of it (even though my age puts me in a high risk category). As such I haven’t paid that much attention to the so called cures. So my understanding of what ivermectin is used for in humans is admittedly limited. But I’m of the understanding it is used for things other than as an anti parasitic. Which, if true, somewhat dampens the effectiveness of the argument being made in the newspaper article.
Two things:

1). Those inmates should not have been given ivermectin against their will. That comports with my first post on the subject, the one to which you took personal exception.

2). I’ve not had Covid, nor am I particularly afraid of it (even though my age puts me in a high risk category). As such I haven’t paid that much attention to the so called cures. So my understanding of what ivermectin is used for in humans is admittedly limited. But I’m of the understanding it is used for things other than as an anti parasitic. Which, if true, somewhat dampens the effectiveness of the argument being made in the newspaper article.

So… still can’t disprove my “false accusation” that ivermectin is an unproven treatment.

Got it.
You must be so proud!
To answer your question…New England Journal of Medicine…

“Ivermectin is approved by the Food and Drug Administration as an oral treatment for intestinal strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis and as a topical treatment for pediculosis and rosacea. It is also used as a treatment for parasites in pets and livestock. Ivermectin may decrease severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) replication in vitro,1,2 but randomized, controlled trials have shown no clinical benefit in the prevention or treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19).3
To answer your question…New England Journal of Medicine…

“Ivermectin is approved by the Food and Drug Administration as an oral treatment for intestinal strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis and as a topical treatment for pediculosis and rosacea. It is also used as a treatment for parasites in pets and livestock. Ivermectin may decrease severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) replication in vitro,1,2 but randomized, controlled trials have shown no clinical benefit in the prevention or treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19).3

I’m sorry I took so long to reply, I wanted to watch the last of the ass-kicking the Bills put on the Pats.

At first I wasn’t sure how to reply because you said you were answering my question when I hadn’t asked one. Putting that aside let me answer like this:

Your information comes from a hallowed publication, and one should always pay attention to what it publishes. It is not, however, correct 100% of the time. So it would be an error to accept what it says unhesitatingly. If this pandemic has taught us anything it should be to have a healthy dose of skepticism about prognoses by the medical establishment.

So for that reason I stand by my first comment. If you contract Covid and you are uncomfortable taking ivermectin as part of your path to regain your health, by all means don’t take it. And for those patients who have a different desire, by all means they should do what they think is in their best interest.

Now I admit I read into your writings on this board an attitude about people with whom you disagree that you consider them intellectually beneath you. That makes it considerably difficult to carry on a polite conversation.
I’m sorry I took so long to reply, I wanted to watch the last of the ass-kicking the Bills put on the Pats.

At first I wasn’t sure how to reply because you said you were answering my question when I hadn’t asked one.
You admitted your knowledge of ivermectin and its uses was limited, so I gave you a source that even admit is important, yet because of your natural arrogance you have to play the “it’s not perfect” card. We all knew medicine was never perfect, but the overwhelming percentage of the covid hospitalizations being unvaccinated, for starters, shows science is winning.

Now I admit I read into your writings on this board an attitude about people with whom you disagree that you consider them intellectually beneath you. That makes it considerably difficult to carry on a polite conversation.
Lolololololol…The pot-smoking kettle

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