Biden's lead among Dems plummets after debates

Schultz is their only savior right now. And they ran him out of the party.

Biden missed an opportunity to be a centrist and clown these idiots out of the gate. He tried to play identity politics and was out of his element.

Biden blew it. He's too old. He needed, right out of the gate to attack her, frankly. Kick her right away in a respectful way, and call her attorney general and senator and then:

1. Cast her as a corporate liberal beholden to big business

2. And the health insurance industry. Make her the health insurance industry
/premiums candidate by wrapping her Trumpish word salad against her. Accuse her of being stand up to the health insurance industry and throughout her career she never has. Not one time. She'll take their money though (I assume).

3. Dust off her for losing losing losing the Kavanaugh, Merrel and Gurich fights. Thats all she did was lose. I had an audience of lib women that were all Pro woman and pointed out she has cost them abortion rights for at least a generation by preening for cameras instead of staging an entire Senate walk out or doing something dastardly or making some deal to submarine those nominations. That point turned them off her. (It may have just been my looks and charm, though.) Biden defeated Bork, btw. He needed this locked and ready for the 1st debate and blow up her little female love affair:

"Senator, I preserved abortion rights in the senate and beat those wackos back because I used politics with those sorry old segragationists. Its not a game, those are real and tou cant be too sanctimonious to sit down with the enemy over a drink and keep the Kavanaughs off the bench or loosen up a little more scholarship money for kids that needed help for college. And when I fought, I won, you don't read any supreme court opinions written by Bork. Lady, if you'd have outworked instead of outwoke everyone we wouldnt have Kavanaugh. All you did was talk to cameras and raise money. You needed to either make a deal with or beat some segragationists and we dont lose abortion. Hell you wont do either one."

That would hurt her in her own base. You point out to them that all she's done is lose abortion rights and lose senate fights while using them to raise money." And he needed to say that at a point where she can't respond and wrap Clarence Thomas around his neck.

4. Someone from the peanut gallery needs to dust off Sweet Willie Brown. Not a good look to some old school dems.
Biden blew it. He's too old. He needed, right out of the gate to attack her, frankly. Kick her right away in a respectful way, and call her attorney general and senator and then:

1. Cast her as a corporate liberal beholden to big business

2. And the health insurance industry. Make her the health insurance industry
/premiums candidate by wrapping her Trumpish word salad against her. Accuse her of being stand up to the health insurance industry and throughout her career she never has. Not one time. She'll take their money though (I assume).

3. Dust off her for losing losing losing the Kavanaugh, Merrel and Gurich fights. Thats all she did was lose. I had an audience of lib women that were all Pro woman and pointed out she has cost them abortion rights for at least a generation by preening for cameras instead of staging an entire Senate walk out or doing something dastardly or making some deal to submarine those nominations. That point turned them off her. (It may have just been my looks and charm, though.) Biden defeated Bork, btw. He needed this locked and ready for the 1st debate and blow up her little female love affair:

"Senator, I preserved abortion rights in the senate and beat those wackos back because I used politics with those sorry old segragationists. Its not a game, those are real and tou cant be too sanctimonious to sit down with the enemy over a drink and keep the Kavanaughs off the bench or loosen up a little more scholarship money for kids that needed help for college. And when I fought, I won, you don't read any supreme court opinions written by Bork. Lady, if you'd have outworked instead of outwoke everyone we wouldnt have Kavanaugh. All you did was talk to cameras and raise money. You needed to either make a deal with or beat some segragationists and we dont lose abortion. Hell you wont do either one."

That would hurt her in her own base. You point out to them that all she's done is lose abortion rights and lose senate fights while using them to raise money." And he needed to say that at a point where she can't respond and wrap Clarence Thomas around his neck.

4. Someone from the peanut gallery needs to dust off Sweet Willie Brown. Not a good look to some old school dems.
I laughed out loud.

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