Bernie says people in prison for violent crimes should be allowed to vote

including the Boston terrorist bomber. Kamala might agree with Bernie maybe. I wonder why Bernie is dragging the bottom of the lake for votes...

#bornswallowers, defend this.
I know right?
Is that Nutsy Fagan or what?
Come on, illegals and dead people aren't enough for these criminally desperate idiots?
Geez, stop the insanity before I relapse.
(that's just an expression. I don't do drugs, he said proudly)
So, Dems say Trump is unfit to be Prez because he is a “criminal”, yet Dems believe hardcore criminals are fit to vote. They are past making no sense, their hypocrisy knows no limits and reveals their absolute desperation to try to win an election at all costs. They have no message other than to offer bribes for votes.
While in prison, what a freakin joke. After they serve their time AND paying the restitution they are hung with during sentencing have no problems with them voting. As said above though, they are just trying to bribe their way towards more votes.
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But shouldn't the convicted terrorist have his say while he's in prison? Even though he violated the rights of many, he should have all of his rights, right?
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I thought liars and degenerates flock to trump? Is Bernie slitting the throat of the Democratic Party by giving all these republicans their voting rights back?

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