Bennetts Route 66 Pharmacy


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Jan 10, 2005
Just want make a shout out for my buddy here in Claremore. Grade A for sure. He got on the horn and beat Walgreens prices on our medications (called them and honored my coupons I had previously used with Walgreens) and has a nice little family shop. The front desk is all open, so you can interact with the staff and chat, no stupid privacy walls with peepholes and all that crap.

I hate the big pharmacy chains with all their stupidity and unfriendliness. They have gotten crap wrong that I have had called in for me and on items I have called in for patients. Not that I do much of the latter anymore, just cough and cold stuff for family and friends.

I'm sure that there are fantastic people that work at Walgreens at other locations, but I have had a bad experience for the last couple of years at our local one. Anyway, for those that have pharmaceutical needs (let the jokes fly lol), Bennetts is the place to go. He will make an effort to beat all the chains prices and get you out the door quick.

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