Barry's Iran deal was sure tough on Iran's nuclear program


MegaPoke is insane
Sep 25, 2006
Oops, there's those pesky IR-6 centrifuges that Ketchup Kerry and Wendy ShitforBrains Sherman "negotiated." I wonder where Iran got the money for those? This is what happens when the clueless "We'll get Iran to be our friends" ideologues negotiated from a cowering Barry Bow position with the mastermind of the Iranian nuclear program.
Even with Obama’s give away to Iran it only limited Iran for ten years and that is not acceptable to anyone that has a brain cell not destroyed by liberalism. Iran can not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons even if it means we use military force. Better to act now before Iran has the ability to destroy millions of lives.
Even with Obama’s give away to Iran it only limited Iran for ten years and that is not acceptable to anyone that has a brain cell not destroyed by liberalism. Iran can not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons even if it means we use military force. Better to act now before Iran has the ability to destroy millions of lives.
If you saw community organizing on a resume and you went to that community and saw what a shithole it was would you give the guy the keys to the most powerful country in the world?
Syskatine and those like him don't think the crime and corruption in Chicago are bothersome. They had no issue electing a president based on his skin color. It checked their white guilt boxes so they could pat themselves on the back for their achievement. If they had been able to check the female box in 2016 they could have rid themselves of the male guilt that makes them hate themselves.
Iran’s geographical relation to USA:


Meanwhile America’s southern border is being invaded and overrun, unopposed.

Zoom into the photos below and look how well the “migrants” are dressed — better than our homeless veterans who fought in he Middle East.


The US government is literally enabling the invasion, using taxpayer dollars.

Under these circumstances, ask yourself:

“what would America’s founding fathers think of sending US troops into another middle eastern war?”



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