Barry Manilow, did he really think he was fooling anyone?

I knew there was a reason I didn't like his music.

This is my fake surprised look.

Why does anyone care? So much time and effort wasted in this country worrying about what other people are doing.

Who is this a condemnation of? The guy contacted the press and had a story done about his gayness. Obviously he wants people to be talking about it. It's for sure a purchasing bump of his music due to the buzz.
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Who is this a condemnation of? The guy contacted the press and had a story done about his gayness. Obviously he wants people to be talking about it. It's for sure a purchasing bump of his music due to the buzz.

Of him, and the public that eats the crap up. Our society is obsessed with celebrity.
I think the story is about the sad state of society at the time that this seemingly nice man felt he had to keep secret someone he is about to celebrate a 40 year anniversary with.

He is overrated musically, as his music ranges from shit to guilty pleasure, but I don't think the story is attacking him for being gay.
Whats weird is I certainly don't remember thinking Freddie Mercury was gay....and I would never had guessed Rob Halford of Judas Priest was gay. Looking back I guess I was naive....hahahahaha
My main point is the guy stayed in the closet because he thought it would disappoint his fans.

How could his fans not know? I believe they did know and liked him anyway. Considering how popular he was with my mom and her friends he definitely had a devoted fan base.
when we did the morning songs to start the day in sixth grade 82 for inquiring minds

daybreak was always sung as gaybreak
little did we know lol

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