Barr assigns US attorney....

Where the hell are @Pokeabear and @Syskatine ?

I need to see some way this gets spun as no big deal.

Putin wants trump to take the Dems down a few more notches. He benefits from a strong nationalist who kills his people in Syria instead of the weak kneed open border team that cancelled the European missle defense shield in Poland as a gift to him. You know the team that signed a deal with their Russian buddies in Iran? Putin’s puppet cancelled that deal and is currently ruining their economy. The team that did nothing while their buddies in China ripped us off? Of course he likes trump putting the squeeze on his buddies in North Korea. Oh yea that funny thing where trump tried to help over throw his buddy in Venezuela.

Orange Russian man bad
Durham also nailed the CIA for destroying evidence and prosecuted national security misdeeds. Brennan and Clapper, are you calling lawyers this AM?

Hildebitch's $12 million dossier may lead to 33,000 destroyed email too and tarmac meetings. It might also lead to the DNC's refusal to hand over their server to the FBI. And to Mark Elias, the fixer lawyer for Perkins Coie law firm.

Don't forget about Strzok's texts saying the WH wanted to be kept informed.
While I support the investigation, I'll believe something actually comes of this when it happens.

fair enough

there’s two key components in play

1. the demtards acted like a bunch of small town rednecks running wide open because they had no idea cank would lose

2. the chose to destroy a man who against all odds became president of the united states

those are the parameters

and just for kicks the law is on orange mans side
While I support the investigation, I'll believe something actually comes of this when it happens.
You may see Trump start declassifying and releasing FISA applications, 302 statements and other documents shortly after the IG Report is released just like he waited for the Mueller Report before he started playing hardball.

Also gives the Lib press less time to spin the released materials as the IG report is released.
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You may see Trump start declassifying and releasing FISA applications, 302 statements and other documents shortly after the IG Report is released just like he waited for the Mueller Report before he started playing hardball.
have we seen him play hardball yet? I'm not seeing that as of yet...just a bunch of talk.
They all knew Hildebitch would win 100,000,000 to 0 and all this would be covered up. No need to cover their tracks when the one who ignored the rules the most would win going away. They'd have all the dirt on her needed to insure they wouldn't be prosecuted.
They all knew Hildebitch would win 100,000,000 to 0 and all this would be covered up. No need to cover their tracks when the one who ignored the rules the most would win going away. They'd have all the dirt on her needed to insure they wouldn't be prosecuted.
Imprimis, I don't think this is the most up to date narrative
Got her now? Or him? Cliff's? No. Not....

Hillary again?


No one has gone after the Dims, up until now the Dims got to play on their home court in their safe space. Now it gets real, who knows what comes of it, but for the first time in the last 11 years real bullets are going to be fired at Dims. Dims took their legal/criminal shots on Trump, Dims missed badly. For transparency sake time to for a full rectal exam of the Dims with serious investigators and criminal charges at stake and not a friendly and fawning media, DOJ, and FBI, to protect them.

You must forget there was not one single Rep on this board afraid after the election for Trump to be investigated and if guilty to face charges. You are unable to say the same about your overlords other than to laugh at Reps for what we were saying 18 months in to the investigation of Trump and obvious and reported issues with the basis of the investigation that was only reported by one MSM outlet.

Your feigned laughter smells of fear, and your inability to want an investigation of your Dim overlords with charges for actual crimes reveals your hypocrisy.
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No one has gone after the Dims, up until now the Dims got to play on their home court in their safe space. Now it gets real, who knows what comes of it, but for the first time in the last 11 years real bullets are going to be fired at Dims. Dims took their legal/criminal shots on Trump, Dims missed badly. For transparency sake time to for a full rectal exam of the Dims with serious investigators and criminal charges at stake and not a friendly and fawning media, DOJ, and FBI, to protect them.

You must forget there was not one single Rep on this board afraid after the election for Trump to be investigated and if guilty to face charges. You are unable to say the same about your overlords other than to laugh at Reps for what we were saying 18 months in to the investigation of Trump and obvious and reported issues with the basis of the investigation that was only reported by one MSM outlet.

Your feigned laughter smells of fear, and your inability to want an investigation of your Dim overlords with charges for actual crimes reveals your hypocrisy.

Hillary? Obama? Just democrats in general?
Hillary? Obama? Just democrats in general?

Neither had a special prosecutor or a US Attorney put them in the bulls eye, and in each instance someone not biased for them. Trump was investigated by individuals who were highly friendly to the Dims, one a former attorney on Hillary’s Foundation.

Why not just say go for it and if guilty charge them?
You know, like Trump voters on this board did? Come now, let’s not avoid that question. It is ok, we know your overlords own you like you are their little bitch.
Neither had a special prosecutor or a US Attorney put them in the bulls eye, and in each instance someone not biased for them. Trump was investigated by individuals who were highly friendly to the Dims, one a former attorney on Hillary’s Foundation.

Why not just say go for it and if guilty charge them?
You know, like Trump voters on this board did? Come now, let’s not avoid that question. It is ok, we know your overlords own you like you are their little bitch.

But charge who? Hillary?

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