No one has gone after the Dims, up until now the Dims got to play on their home court in their safe space. Now it gets real, who knows what comes of it, but for the first time in the last 11 years real bullets are going to be fired at Dims. Dims took their legal/criminal shots on Trump, Dims missed badly. For transparency sake time to for a full rectal exam of the Dims with serious investigators and criminal charges at stake and not a friendly and fawning media, DOJ, and FBI, to protect them.
You must forget there was not one single Rep on this board afraid after the election for Trump to be investigated and if guilty to face charges. You are unable to say the same about your overlords other than to laugh at Reps for what we were saying 18 months in to the investigation of Trump and obvious and reported issues with the basis of the investigation that was only reported by one MSM outlet.
Your feigned laughter smells of fear, and your inability to want an investigation of your Dim overlords with charges for actual crimes reveals your hypocrisy.