Bad Day for People Who Dwell on Public Statements from Summits...


Heisman Winner
Aug 24, 2003
... and are 100% clueless as to the private negotiations at said meetings.

But I get it. She wasn't supposed to lose and the fix was supposed to be in.

This is proving to be an awesome 8 years.

MAGA, biotches!

Winners aren't losers.
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Philip Mudd of CNN just asked when will the Shadow Government rise up and take out president Trump?

Pray, Philip, please enlighten us as to the members of this Shadow Government of which you seem to be on intimate terms.
Philip Mudd of CNN just asked when will the Shadow Government rise up and take out president Trump?

Pray, Philip, please enlighten us as to the members of this Shadow Government of which you seem to be on intimate terms.

Even I don't watch CNN. Don't you have better things to do with your time?
Thanks for posting. He makes a lot of sense.

It hasn't been all that big of a secret that many countries have been meddling in foreign elections since at least WWII and probably well before that.

I'm presuming that Rand Paul is speaking with direct knowledge behind his statements and not one surprises me.

It is in the best interest of powerful countries to have foreign leaders that are amenable to mutually beneficial agreements and therefore they try to accomplish the elevation of agreeable individuals to those leadership positions.

Churchill did it to us and we've done it to plenty others.

The issue to me is the notion that one or both of our incompetent teams attempts to make it into a political scandal.

Trump's comments today are pretty stupid, IMHO. What is even more nauseating is that both sides are happy to gloss over manipulation that serves their immediate purposes. If the tables were turned, it would probably not look much different.

On the other hand, if Hillary were POTUS right now there likely would not have been a summit; but if there were, there's little chance she would have pulled something like today's comments.

Although Putin might have tried to precipitate WWIII in a live press conference since he probably hates her guts more than I do.
USA Today


I hope you had Laura ingrahm recorded tonight. The hyperbole explained, criticism of trump and perspective from obama and his admin officials. It also laid out the things trump has done to Russia that voids this dream boy scenario. Very fair and balanced.

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