Back surgery did NOT go well


Heisman Candidate
Dec 29, 2004
Just venting... Had two discs trimmed and repaired and the hole for my nerve to exit my spine enlarged. Just had my 4 week follow up Friday. I am in worse pain now than before the surgery. I have pain like pins and needles in my toes and ball of my foot, right side of right calf completely numb, still have considerable pain at the incision site and lower back, stabbing pain in my hip. There is a rather large bulge at the top of my incision scar. My pain level is a constant 1 - 2 and spikes to a 5 - 6 with moderate activity. I had to quit the pain pills because they were making me natious, consitpating me, and just blanked out all the time. Took 2 days of being dope sick to come off the pain pills. I HAVE to go back to work Monday because I have to complete some major projects before the end of the year and I am not looking forward to sitting in a desk chair for 10 hours a day. My nuerosurgeon has scheduled another MRI because he thinks I may have either blown the repaired disc, built up fluid under the skin, or have scar tissue. This is just frustrating and depressing. I wish I had not had the surgery now. Anyone else ever had this experience with back surgery that can give me some hope?
Well, I might be able to give you some reason for optimism.

I had issues with a bulging disc since I was about 18. The disc ruptured about 11 years ago. I want to the E.R. and they loaded me up with morphine, followed by oral pain meds and steroids. Sent me home, hoping that the cortisone and rest would allow the associated inflammation to resolve and my body to heal without putting me through surgery. After a week of constant misery (my main issue was excruciating pain and peripheral numbness of my right the point that I told my wife that I would rather have the leg amputated than continue to suffer), I went back to the doctor and told him that he had to perform surgery ASAP. Had surgery the next day. They performed a discectomy...removed the disc material that was compressing one of the nerve routes exiting the spinal cord and traveling down my leg. After surgery, I was still in a lot of pain, and could not stand to have anything touch my right shin (even the blankets on my bed). I took pain meds (Vicodan) and that helped. In addition, my doctor tried a few different meds to help with neuropathic pain. 1 was Gabapentin, but I had some kind of bad reaction to that one. I tried another, but it did not help. Then, my doctor put me on Lyrica, and the difference was amazing. It made a huge difference in reducing the overall pain and the sensitivity of the skin on my right leg. Within a week, I was able to discontinue the Vicodan and do fine with a combo of Lyrica and Ibuprofen. My incision site pain was completely gone within a month, and the pain (and functionality) in my right leg was manageable. From there, everything got gradually better every couple of weeks. Within about 10 months, I was off all meds and (almost exactly) 1 year after surgery, I was pain free.

I still have some nerve damage in my right leg. My shin is overly sensitive to the touch, and my leg is weaker than my left, and the right one tires easily. But, it does not negatively affect me in any way. Prior to surgery, I frequently had significant back pain. 3-4 times per year I had to take a muscle relaxer and stay home in bed for a day or two. Since 1 year after surgery, I have not had any issues that required more than a Tylenol/Ibuprofen.
Just venting... Had two discs trimmed and repaired and the hole for my nerve to exit my spine enlarged. Just had my 4 week follow up Friday. I am in worse pain now than before the surgery. I have pain like pins and needles in my toes and ball of my foot, right side of right calf completely numb, still have considerable pain at the incision site and lower back, stabbing pain in my hip. There is a rather large bulge at the top of my incision scar. My pain level is a constant 1 - 2 and spikes to a 5 - 6 with moderate activity. I had to quit the pain pills because they were making me natious, consitpating me, and just blanked out all the time. Took 2 days of being dope sick to come off the pain pills. I HAVE to go back to work Monday because I have to complete some major projects before the end of the year and I am not looking forward to sitting in a desk chair for 10 hours a day. My nuerosurgeon has scheduled another MRI because he thinks I may have either blown the repaired disc, built up fluid under the skin, or have scar tissue. This is just frustrating and depressing. I wish I had not had the surgery now. Anyone else ever had this experience with back surgery that can give me some hope?
Where did you have surgery?
Just venting... Had two discs trimmed and repaired and the hole for my nerve to exit my spine enlarged. Just had my 4 week follow up Friday. I am in worse pain now than before the surgery. I have pain like pins and needles in my toes and ball of my foot, right side of right calf completely numb, still have considerable pain at the incision site and lower back, stabbing pain in my hip. There is a rather large bulge at the top of my incision scar. My pain level is a constant 1 - 2 and spikes to a 5 - 6 with moderate activity. I had to quit the pain pills because they were making me natious, consitpating me, and just blanked out all the time. Took 2 days of being dope sick to come off the pain pills. I HAVE to go back to work Monday because I have to complete some major projects before the end of the year and I am not looking forward to sitting in a desk chair for 10 hours a day. My nuerosurgeon has scheduled another MRI because he thinks I may have either blown the repaired disc, built up fluid under the skin, or have scar tissue. This is just frustrating and depressing. I wish I had not had the surgery now. Anyone else ever had this experience with back surgery that can give me some hope?
Man, that sucks. I'm sorry to hear you are suffering.
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Like BJ said lyrica is a good choice. I also prescribe nortryptilin for similar issues. I think the most likely scenario is that you are just going to need more time to heal. I feel like your surgeon probably did as minimally invasive a surgery as he could based on your description.

That far out after surgery, I would rec a new MRI to check on everything. If you are in moderate constant pain, this is when it would be the time to try spinal cord stimulation. I usually use St Jude and it is typically very helpful.

Pain Doc

That far out after surgery, I would rec a new MRI to check on everything. If you are in moderate constant pain, this is when it would be the time to try spinal cord stimulation. I usually use St Jude and it is typically very helpful.

Pain Doc

Brooks Clinic did that, I have no pain but it still effects my daily life
Brooks clinic did a SCS? You had it implanted? Did your surgeon refer you to them? They don’t have the best reputation. Typically, they do whatever pays the best and milk auto insurance companies and work comp as long as they can. Usually they don’t have a board certified pain physician working for them.

I’m glad you are not having pain. If you have had a fusion and are really missing the lost mobility, you could have the hardware removed and go through a really focused course of PT with accupuncture/tai chi/yoga.
Brooks clinic did a SCS? You had it implanted? Did your surgeon refer you to them? They don’t have the best reputation. Typically, they do whatever pays the best and milk auto insurance companies and work comp as long as they can. Usually they don’t have a board certified pain physician working for them.

I’m glad you are not having pain. If you have had a fusion and are really missing the lost mobility, you could have the hardware removed and go through a really focused course of PT with accupuncture/tai chi/yoga.

i'm glad to see you bring acupuncture tai chi and yoga to the healing conversation

and two let bville know there might be more time needed to heal

i ruptured L-4, L-5 and have been through the process, from dragging a numb leg around to waking up with a lower body lock thinking i was paralyzed.

i flushed the pain pills and muscle relaxers out after two days of my body lock because i had a restaurant to run.

went to the surgeon he looked at my mri and said i need a cat scan. i waited a month on this appointment not knowing if i'd have to close my business, get cut on or be in this pain the rest of my life

and this asshole doctor said come back with a cat scan, he didn't say bring a cat scan he said come back with one.

and that started a process of change in my life

acupuncture will change the pathways

yoga and tai chi will strengthen the fibers and muscles around those pathways and hold a healthy alignment

surgery and pills won't do what acupuncture tai chi and yoga will, i'm a firm believer treating from the inside out rather than outside in.

you can't buy the good health you make a commitment to

excuse my soapbox
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Brooks clinic did a SCS? You had it implanted? Did your surgeon refer you to them? They don’t have the best reputation. Typically, they do whatever pays the best and milk auto insurance companies and work comp as long as they can. Usually they don’t have a board certified pain physician working for them.

I’m glad you are not having pain. If you have had a fusion and are really missing the lost mobility, you could have the hardware removed and go through a really focused course of PT with accupuncture/tai chi/yoga.
how beneficial is yoga or tia chi for the back. I have started doing it just to keep my flexibility. Don't want to be the old man who can hardly move. But seems to really help.
My back surgery was 2012. After 5 weeks I felt better than I had in years. However for the next year I had bouts where I would have some pain, some requiring pain meds. However after that I've been fine since.

Just give it more time before getting real concerned. I had several times where I questioned if it worked or not. Only things I had to give up completely was playing basketball and a couple of weight lifting routines that I used to do. Put too much stress.

Hang in there
I had back pain on and off for years. My hip started hurting and I put surgery off on it until I couldn’t handle it. After my total hip replacement my back hasn’t hurt hardly at all. That’s been 2.5 years ago.
I’m glad my ortho Doc wanted to wait to operate on my back.

Good luck.

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