As If The Country Isn't Facing Enough Threats Of Terrorism Democrats Want To Import Palestinians From Gaza

Meh. Everyone knows that US military personnel, people of faith, and Trump supporters are the biggest terror threats.

Could they find people that were anymore corrupt, dishonest and evil than John Brennan and James Clapper to make up the board?
Is America the melting pot or isn’t it? Oh, I see. You people are all for a melting pot as long as the melted result is white. Oh hell no! Keep those filthy brown-skinned people out of here!
It has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with culture and degree of civilization.

USA is a melting pot, but it’s also a First World country. During the post Civil War immigration wave, the USA was at best a “Second World” country, Europe being the First World. The influx of European immigrants, coupled with two world wars, transformed the USA into a First World country modeled after Europe. Should we now have an influx of immigrants from the moslem third world so that we can be transformed into a moslem shithole?Is that what you want, Dodge?
The fact that cultures can have opposite views on concepts they both have no desire to change. This inevitably leads to conflict and violence.
Isn’t that why the state apparatus was invented, to prevent such conflict and violence? If it can’t perform the primary task it is designed to perform what’s the point in having a state?
It was all part of the plan all along...

Pull into Western countries the most wretched and dangerous from around the world to destabilize, then ratchet up Authoritarianism/Big Gov/Global Gov to "protect the people".
And who lands on our shores? Bitter, resentful, people that hate Western societies, Western peoples, Christians...

It's all part of the plan...
Which person does the state punish? Which one was wrong when they both are doing the same thing?
I would say as a general rule the state punishes the one with the least power to punch back. They’re both wrong when they’re both doing the same thing and more often than not the state is used to go after the weaker of the two.
Melting pot only works if you are willing to blend your own culture into that of the society you are joining. Having communities who live and celebrate their prior culture independent of that blending defeats the concept of a blended society.
Melting pot only works if you are willing to blend your own culture into that of the society you are joining. Having communities who live and celebrate their prior culture independent of that blending defeats the concept of a blended society.

The primary failure of multiculturalism is integrating cultural norms that don't work very well into highly functioning societies. It results in regression and degradation of the welcoming society.

Do Mexican immigrants really want to recreate Mexico? Not at all, but they've grown up learning how to be Mexican.
Do Muslim immigrants really want to recreate what they've left? Obviously not since they left it, but that's the highest level they've ever lived.
What's the issue with Mexico? It's full of Mexicans. What's the issue with Yemen? It's full of Yemenis.

Integrate their recipes, songs, artwork and leave the cultural norms behind that simply didn't work in the country they felt compelled to leave.
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So what’s the point in having a state?
States and cultures must be aligned for the symbiotic balance to work. The law of the US is based on a Western Model aligned with western religions. One could even say the law is based on the Christian religion that dominates the culture. Throw in a different culture and the law and religion breaks down leading to a lawless society unable to govern itself as the cultural clash between what should be a law and what shouldn't lead to infighting. It's a testament to the US it lasted this long attempting multi-culturalism, but the inevitable breakdown is here. The US's best days are based on its western roots and Christian religion regardless of how much one will try to attempt to say it's not.

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