Are they beginning to snap out of it?

Check this out...

@my_2cents, you should read the part about Afghanistan. If that doesn't open your eyes to Pedo Joe's total incompetence and failures on the troop withdrawal, you're just an empty suited Dear Party NPC.
Check this out...

@my_2cents, you should read the part about Afghanistan. If that doesn't open your eyes to Pedo Joe's total incompetence and failures on the troop withdrawal, you're just an empty suited Dear Party NPC.
I am convinced that you hit the nail on the head when you said 2Cents is an adolescent with very limited insight. His inabilities are apparent.
Check this out...

@my_2cents, you should read the part about Afghanistan. If that doesn't open your eyes to Pedo Joe's total incompetence and failures on the troop withdrawal, you're just an empty suited Dear Party NPC.
Sorta pathetic that the author felt it necessary to start with the “well, Biden is full of shit but at least he’s not as falsey-claimy as Trump” theme. Good grief.

In other words, he feels like he’s got to establish his ”I think Trump sucks more” credentials before getting into the meat of the story. It’s this continued fixation on Trump in a supposedly current news article that I find to be so annoying.
2pesos is a perfect example of a Gaslighter.
He does it here all the time. Imagine how he treats his Family if he truly has one, friends (likely none) and Co Workers.

No, I do not agree with what he said there. (But not for the reasons you will assume
I was more curious about what the two posters I quoted thought, since they like to pick and choose when to quote Maher for their own partisan reasons. As does Fox News.

With that said, what are your reasons for disagreeing with Maher's predictions?
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I was more curious about what the two posters I quoted thought, since they like to pick and choose when to quote Maher. As does Fox News.

With that said, what are your reasons for disagreeing with Maher's predictions?
To begin with Maher portrays Trump, his supporters and Republican political allies in the darkest most evil terms, hell bent on taking over power by any heinous means necessary. It’s the exact mirror of how Republicans and those on the right (in whom you thoroughly despise) portray Biden, his handlers and Democratic political allies. Second, it appears to me that Trump’s power within the party is slowly waning. I will be surprised if he is the nominee. It’s really too early to know for sure, but DeSantis could overtake Trump. That would put the Maher prognostication in the trash bin.
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Second, it appears to me that Trump’s power within the party is slowly waning. I will be surprised if he is the nominee. It’s really too early to know for sure, but DeSantis could overtake Trump. That would put the Maher prognostication in the trash bin.
Well yeah, if Trump isn't the nominee, then clearly the overall prediction is wrong. And if you think Trump isn't going to be the nominee, that is a good reason for disagreeing with Maher.

Do you think Trump won't run or run and lose the nomination? I see no reason at this point to think Trump isn't going to run. Yes, his power is somewhat waning, but he still has a lot of power (and many supporters) in the Republican Party. And if he runs, I don't see how any Republican beats him for the nomination, including DeSantis. DeSantis needs Trump not to run to have his best shot at the nomination (plus get re-elected Governor) in my opinion.

If we assume for a moment though that Trump does get the nomination, then could you agree that Maher's prediction may come true? Also, if it is another person as the Republican nominee, do you believe that Republican would concede the election if he/she loses or follow Trump's example from 2020?
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Well yeah, if Trump isn't the nominee, then clearly the overall prediction is wrong. And if you think Trump isn't going to be the nominee, that is a good reason for disagreeing with Maher.

Do you think Trump won't run or run and lose the nomination? I see no reason at this point to think Trump isn't going to run. Yes, his power is somewhat waning, but he still has a lot of power (and many supporters) in the Republican Party. And if he runs, I don't see how any Republican beats him for the nomination, including DeSantis. DeSantis needs Trump not to run to have a shot (plus get re-elected Governor) in my opinion.

If we assume for a moment though that Trump does get the nomination, then could you admit that Maher's prediction may come true? Also, if it is another person as the Republican nominee, do you believe that Republican would concede the election if he/she loses or follow Trump's example from 2020?
I do think Trump will run, as will DeSantis, and Trump will do what he always does, which is shoot off his mouth in the same denigrating way toward DeSantis that you do about right-wingers, and Republican primary voters will recoil against it because DeSantis is too well thought of. The voters will decide they’ve had enough of Trump’s mouthy antics, that DeSantis will accomplish more.

But, no, if Trump wins the nomination but loses the vote I do not think there will be an uprising like last time. Did the Democrats cheat in 2020? I think they probably did, but it hasn’t been proven so it’s time to move on. The Republicans will be much better prepared to catch the Democrats in 2024 than they were in 2020. So it will be much harder for the Democrats to cheat and therefore much more likely the vote totals will be accepted as legitimate. If Trump runs and loses in 2024 and whines that he’s been cheated again, I think most Republican voters will politely tell him to shut up and sit down.

All that being said IMO unless Biden enjoys a massive sea change in his lack of success I don’t see how any Republican would lose to him.
The voters will decide they’ve had enough of Trump’s mouthy antics, that DeSantis will accomplish more.
You have a lot of faith in Republican voters. I don't share that faith because I see no evidence to believe that. I think Trump will be successful with his supporters in attacking DeSantis or whoever ends up being his main challenger for the nomination. They will agree with him as they did when he attacked other Republicans in 2016.

But, no, if Trump wins the nomination but loses the vote I do not think there will be an uprising like last time.
Do you think Trump will concede though?

If Trump runs and loses in 2024 and whines that he’s been cheated again, I think most Republican voters will politely tell him to shut up and sit down.
Again, so much faith in Republican voters when the vast majority of them have shown no willingness to do this so far.

All that being said IMO unless Biden enjoys a massive sea change in his lack of success I don’t see how any Republican would lose to him.
Just like you didn't see how Biden would win the nomination in 2020 and win the general election?

I'm sure you fully expect the Republicans to win back the White House in '24. I think your confidence and hope is misguided though. '24 is still a long way off and Biden or another Democratic nominee could very well win that election.

Did the Democrats cheat in 2020? I think they probably did, but it hasn’t been proven so it’s time to move on.
It hasn't been proven because they didn't cheat. And yes, you are right, it is way past time to move on.

Most Republicans can't bring themselves to do this though.
You have a lot of faith in Republican voters. I don't share that faith because I see no evidence to believe that. I think Trump will be successful with his supporters in attacking DeSantis or whoever ends up being his main challenger for the nomination. They will agree with him as they did when he attacked other Republicans in 2016.

Do you think Trump will concede though?

Again, so much faith in Republican voters when the vast majority of them have shown no willingness to do this so far.

Just like you didn't see how Biden would win the nomination in 2020 and win the general election?

I'm sure you fully expect the Republicans to win back the White House in '24. I think your confidence and hope is misguided though. '24 is still a long way off and Biden or another Democratic nominee could very well win that election.

It hasn't been proven because they didn't cheat. And yes, you are right, it is way past time to move on.

Most Republicans can't bring themselves to do this though.
I’m a nonvoter and I clearly don’t have a successful track record of understanding those that do vote. I may be projecting my weariness of Trump’s schtick. But I see people on this board who say they’ll vote for Trump over Biden, but they hope it’s not Trump. That looks like cracks forming in the facade. I think people see DeSantis as a Trumpish clone who makes the media look foolish every time it attacks him, and does it without the standard Trump venom.

I don’t know if Trump would concede. I suppose it would determine how close the vote is. Furthermore I don’t care if Trump concedes or not, just like I don’t care that Stacy Abrams has never conceded.

Yes, 2024 is a long way off, and anything could happen. I’m just observing the policy failures of Biden and the Democrats, and their unbelievably tone deaf responses to Americans’ reactions to those failed policies, and I don’t see any Democrat getting enough votes to win. But in politics anything can happen. I expect a huge blowout for the Republicans in 2022, followed by their massive failure to do anything to capitalize. So by 2024 the voters may be so turned off by Republican timidity they punish them by voting Democrat. Who knows??

You were just in a thread that had a video of efficacy of various masks and the worst one had a markedly less discharge of spit and fluid. Vaccine effectiveness is well reported and publicly corroborated by health care professionals every day. I get the frustration, but viral load prevention and mitigation isn't fantasy. Science hasn't changed in the last 3 months.
You were just in a thread that had a video of efficacy of various masks and the worst one had a markedly less discharge of spit and fluid. Vaccine effectiveness is well reported and publicly corroborated by health care professionals every day. I get the frustration, but viral load prevention and mitigation isn't fantasy. Science hasn't changed in the last 3 months.
And in that thread, we learned that a sneeze introduces 100,000 airborne germ particles. The single layer cloth mask cuts that down by what, 2/3? So now that leaves 30,000 virus particles to inhale. Your source said it only takes 300 to become infected.

30,000 / 300 = 100. That cloth mask allows enough particles to be emitted to infect 100 people. From one sneeze. That failure rate seems too high to save humanity to me.

Edit: Fixed poor wording in last sentence.
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You were just in a thread that had a video of efficacy of various masks and the worst one had a markedly less discharge of spit and fluid. Vaccine effectiveness is well reported and publicly corroborated by health care professionals every day. I get the frustration, but viral load prevention and mitigation isn't fantasy. Science hasn't changed in the last 3 months.
That’s a cool story Twinkle, unfortunately your post is irrelevant to this thread.
Crazy how decent people can disagree on policy!
Weird that neither got banned on social media or called an anti-vaxer. Wish Republican's could get the same respect when they disagree with the ruling party on policy.
Weird that neither got banned on social media or called an anti-vaxer. Wish Republican's could get the same respect when they disagree with the ruling party on policy.
What would they get banned for?

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