Haven't read the article yet, but generally speaking I say most are not. You can't be honorable while having your hand out at all times for money from lobbyists to stay elected and continually shifting positions based on the lobbyists wishes.
The real catch though is what we saw with tax reform. Suddenly dems/libs are worried about deficits and the moron republicans/conservatives aren't. Yet when the ex-rodent in chief was in office the exact opposite was true.
Politicians are opportunists, first and foremost and while very few actually stay their moral and philosophical course, through their reign most are two faced lying slime, who for example, would tell Goldman Sacs executives one thing in a closed meeting and come out and say the exact opposite at a rally with the normal folks. They amass too much money, won't hold themselves accountable to the laws they pass for you and I and worst of all protect their own until that position is completely untenable.
One of the most egregious things that has been allowed to happen is the forming of subgroups within congressional ranks: the Black Congressional Caucus, Hispanic Caucus etc. how can people pleading for inclusion and harmony segregate themselves, on the federal level and expect people to not reciprocate at street level. And the politicians in that party that allow this without speaking out are cowardly sob's as well.
The above is more from a federal perspective but am sure there are numerous local and state yahoo's who are useless as well.
I'll read the article tomorrow and see if any of my comments are close to what this gentleman says.