
Can you give me your hot take on the product, the branding, the market oppty?

Looking at the Elio, which is a similar has powered concept at a similar slightly lower price point. Very soon, I'm gonna end up having five cars at my house, and I'm thinking that we could mix and match usage communally based upon who needs a "real" car on any given day.

First hot take concerns are safety. Second is suitability for highway driving in a place like Oklahoma (not necessarily road trips). Third is cost comparison for what is essentially a back up car to end up using my "real car" for longer trips.
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Not a chance in hell I would take that anywhere where traffic speeds are in excess of 35mph. Hit a large dog and you'd die. Would be cool for planned communities or something of the like where you never had to get out on a highway.
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Not a chance in hell I would take that anywhere where traffic speeds are in excess of 35mph. Hit a large dog and you'd die. Would be cool for planned communities or something of the like where you never had to get out on a highway.

The height and length bothers me. it looks like a much more unstable can-am spyder.

As far as hitting things and dying, that's true for a motorcycle as well.
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The potential market seems pretty small. Between golf carts (? $3-5k) for neighborhood travel, scooters/vespas ($5k) for local travel, and smart cars ($15k) for highway... not sure where this fits in.
They don't seem to be an industry "disruptor", if that's their goal. They also don't seem to differentiate themselves from the products already available.
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