Any DIY lawn treatment guys?


Gold Member
Aug 28, 2006
Any of you guys spray/treat your own lawn? What's your go-to herbicide for Bermuda?
I just moved into a new home about 2 years ago that my uncle built. So of course the lawn wasn't perfect. I was spraying it myself but went to a lawn service again this year. They have access to better chemicals then I can get since they have permits and licenses. I am going to use them for a couple years to get it in good order then go back to spraying it myself. I can buy a sprayer to pull behind the mower for what it cost me to pay them. I am not sure on the chemicals as my cousins husband would go pick that stuff up and then I just pitched in my part. We are neighbors so we would just spray the same time and share the cost of chemicals. I know that green dye is like one of the most expensive chemicals you buy if I remember right. Go to a feed store and they should be able to get you what ever you need and help you out. That is pretty much what we did. They should even be able to tell what chemicals you will need for the different seasons. I wish I could just use the professionals but I have more land now and the cost really adds. They just do such a better job and they assume the risk of cancer from the chemicals. This comes from a guy who loves doing everything with his lawn. I am also a perfectionist when it comes to my lawn so probably why I am more happy with their chemicals over what I can get my hands on.
Any of you guys spray/treat your own lawn? What's your go-to herbicide for Bermuda?
Round Up and 2,4-D in February/early March, kill it all.

Late spring early summer when broad leafs start showing, spray with 2,4-D again. Throughout the summer, spot treat with 2,4-D.

Early summer when the Bermuda has begun to take off, I use a pre-emerge granule with fertilizer to try to keep the crabgrass at bay. If not successful, I spray MSMA on crabgrass. I fertilize when I feel like it and don't follow a schedule like I should.

My yard certainly won't show up on the cover a magazine but it looks much better than 90% of the yards in my neighborhood.

Oh, I've never had problems with Nutsedge until a few years ago, now it's a pain in my a$$. Have to use SedgeHammer to get rid of the stuff and it's a constant battle. I swear the damn stuff grows an inch a day.

Like Jonny said, the dye is expensive but sure makes a difference toward getting complete coverage.

Bought a 21 gallon sprayer recently and it pulls behind my garden tractor and worked like a charm. If interested it's this one:

Good luck!
I’d spray my whole lot with diesel if the HOA wouldn’t get upset.

Instead I use tried and true Round Up and 2,4-D
Oh, I've never had problems with Nutsedge until a few years ago, now it's a pain in my a$$. Have to use SedgeHammer to get rid of the stuff and it's a constant battle. I swear the damn stuff grows an inch a day.

Try a chemical called Dismiss. It will kill the varieties of sedge grass that sedgehammer won't do in a couple of treatments and vice versa.
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I sprayed an area that was going to be a garden with rm43 which is for fence rows/total vegetation control. It’s roundup and some fancy preemergent. I actually sprayed it twice last year. Everything died but came back and was short and green all winter. When spring started to hit, that was the most pure green healthy grass on the property.

I’m thinking of nuking my whole three acres with it in late summer.

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