Any of you guys spray/treat your own lawn? What's your go-to herbicide for Bermuda?
Round Up and 2,4-D in February/early March, kill it all.
Late spring early summer when broad leafs start showing, spray with 2,4-D again. Throughout the summer, spot treat with 2,4-D.
Early summer when the Bermuda has begun to take off, I use a pre-emerge granule with fertilizer to try to keep the crabgrass at bay. If not successful, I spray MSMA on crabgrass. I fertilize when I feel like it and don't follow a schedule like I should.
My yard certainly won't show up on the cover a magazine but it looks much better than 90% of the yards in my neighborhood.
Oh, I've never had problems with Nutsedge until a few years ago, now it's a pain in my a$$. Have to use SedgeHammer to get rid of the stuff and it's a constant battle. I swear the damn stuff grows an inch a day.
Like Jonny said, the dye is expensive but sure makes a difference toward getting complete coverage.
Bought a 21 gallon sprayer recently and it pulls behind my garden tractor and worked like a charm. If interested it's this one:
Good luck!