We need to investigate this domestic terrorist group before they start taking this stuff to the next level.

Someone posted this today, and I for one take it seriously. Hopefully, Sessions and the new FBI guy will as well.

Looking at that account makes me think it's not legit. Some way over the top stuff that has to be satire. Like way over the top stuff.
Hope you're right.
Take a look. There was a tweet about the gal who stabbed the police horse being Nazi alt-right that linked a news article that clearly identified her as a lefty. It was followed fairly quickly by a tweet that stated correction, she's antifa and was utilizing self defense and they were setting up a Gofundme for her legal defense but I couldn't find a link to it. I know those people are giant morons, but some of that tweeted stuff appears to be outside of the bare minimum of expectation I have for them.
I think both Antifa and nationalist/white nationalists/racist/Pepe pol groups that use the threat of violence should all be investigated with the same vigor. I know that I have received briefings on all those types of groups including Antifa.
It may be a satire site. It's literally hard to tell. I know there are some funny ANTIFA satire pages. I think making fun of them is critidal.

Came across this vid and know nothing about this guy's channel but this is the funniest trolling of antifa nerds I've seen yet.

someone trying to make antifa look ridiculous
Nailed it. If you read the responses to the tweets you can see that whoever runs that account really triggers the real folks who identify with antifa movement. They are relentless though and throw out crap like you're a Nazi fascist bigot if you disagree with national antifa and what not. Honestly pretty brilliant.
Came across this vid and know nothing about this guy's channel but this is the funniest trolling of antifa nerds I've seen yet.

That guy is a high level antifa troll. Outstanding.

When I grew up I was taught the whole sticks and stones bit before I started elementary school. Those bags of used douche water act as if they are slowly being run over by a bulldozer when they hear words. Literally those are adults who are incapable of adulting. No wonder union members bolted the party for Trump. No blue collar person wants to be associated with that brand of giant pussy.

I think the account is fake and run by multiple people.

I'm not posting anymore. I feel like I'm creeping into NZ repeat posting territory.

@MegaPoke count the number of retweets. You were gonna whip up a good howl about this crew, weren't you? Fan the flames?

How'd you find those tweets?
obama pumped out so many rainbows and unicorns the blue collars split from the dems

that's the real story of this election
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Hey Chief SBS, that tweet he posted in the OP was posted here today already (as he acknowledged) and it has been floating around the interwebs. I'm guessing your day hasn't gotten better. You've struck out more today than Biff has on his travel ban. Quite an accomplishment.

Where on the interwebs was it floating?
Where on the interwebs was it floating?
Well duh. Retweets from peeps who bit on it for one. It's on Facebook. It's on some red tinted circle jerk "news" sights like the one in the link.

Do you ever use your brain? And before I point out your new British royalty name again, spare me the "only conservatives" fall for this stuff. There is literally an entire leftist voting bloc that thinks Trump is actually a Nazi and fascist and actually believes Hillary was being truthful. Like for real. And it isn't that unbelievable considering how the crybabies on the left have been acting. Plenty of stupid shit from the left out in cyberland today.
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It may be a satire site. It's literally hard to tell. I know there are some funny ANTIFA satire pages. I think making fun of them is critidal.

Came across this vid and know nothing about this guy's channel but this is the funniest trolling of antifa nerds I've seen yet.

Watched to the end... just freaking sad. Sadder still that people are entertained by this.
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FIFY - the kid admits attempting suicide and cutting himself. Congrats on being highly entertained by that.

He chose to associate with domestic terrorists. Are they all confused kids with emotional issues? Looked like an adult freely associating with communist radicals. Mocking them is a solid strategy. Nobody dragged this kid out of his gender studies class to humiliate him. He showed up and made himself available for comment.

Wtf am I missing?
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I bet both the guy and the girl in that video does butt stuff. Just saying.

No judgment, I'm open to it as well. Just saying.
It takes some serious mental flexibility to try to shame me for being amused by someone verbally trolling a fool who thinks he's a badass on the front lines of the resistance.

Seriously, f*** that guy and his feelings.
You watch a kid lose his shit in anguish admitting suicide attempts and self harm and you react with glee. If you feel shame just look in the mirror dude. Wrong about you.
You watch a kid lose his shit in anguish admitting suicide attempts and self harm and you react with glee. If you feel shame just look in the mirror dude. Wrong about you.
Not all suicide "attempts" are created equal. There is a rather large part of the "suicidal" population that engages in the behaviors of pseudo self harm, meaning they do things that will attract attention and concern that they know will not actually harm them, for the sole purpose of manipulating others. There are some screwed up people out there.
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Not all suicide "attempts" are created equal. There is a rather large part of the "suicidal" population that engages in the behaviors of pseudo self harm, meaning they do things that will attract attention and concern that they know will not actually harm them, for the sole purpose of manipulating others. There are some screwed up people out there.


And it doesn't take a rocket science to see that there is a political wing that arrives to create an environment of ever growing indulgence in granting the attention seeking and manipulation of which you speak.

Create the environment. Persuade someone that they aren't being treated fairly, or that are a victim, etc, and voila....a constituency.

The downside is the zero-sum game perception it creates within adherents to that side. Everything except sex is binary, only victors and losers.

Politics of division is good for business, isn't it board Democrats.
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You watch a kid lose his shit in anguish admitting suicide attempts and self harm and you react with glee. If you feel shame just look in the mirror dude. Wrong about you.

I spent 12 hours yesterday working for a charity in 100 degree heat for free. What did you do? Check your "wrong about me" bullshit.

You are getting sanctimonious over a fool who voluntarily put himself if a confrontational situation and got his feelings hurt over words.

Context matters. It does. Humiliating this guy in literally any situation BUT him being a pretend revolutionary would've been wrong.

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