Anti trump protests

socialist that are unhappy, They think Trump is going to round them up and lock them up. The Crazy thing is, that if HRC had won that is what she would have made happen over time, our government has it prepped and ready to go for some time.
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Protesting democratic elections is a great way to make a point.

Give them chalk so they can write their feelings on the street.

But but but popular vote :confused:. Tell you what. Make Hillary governor of California or New York and move there. Those states are the only reason the popular vote looks the way it does.

Here, I have a video to share with you protesting titty babies.

I'm glad you mentioned the popular vote. I keep hearing that too. The thing is you don't strategize for a popular vote when you win through the electoral college.

Can anybody tell me how much time Trump spent campaigning in California New York or Illinois? Or how much ad time he bought there?

I am pretty sure that if the strategy has been to win the popular vote he would've won the popular vote.
Don't these spoiled petulant childish protesters realize this will only further the opposing views Against their cause. What sane individual would want to side with them unless their politics are far left? Embarsment to this county. I hope trump starts to authorize force to stop these type of things.
Don't these spoiled petulant childish protesters realize this will only further the opposing views Against their cause. What sane individual would want to side with them unless their politics are far left? Embarsment to this county. I hope trump starts to authorize force to stop these type of things.

No they don't. They are too damned dense to understand that a rejection of their behavior, antics, etc. played a big role in people voting Trump. They are just convincing Trump voters they did the right thing.
I blame the minorities; they always act up when they don't get what they want.
I blame the minorities; they always act up when they don't get what they want.

DUH! "the media lied to us" WOW I guess the wheel was also just invented. I think that is why one would want to read and write, so you could tell if somebody was taking you for a ride.
These are hilarious.

If only there was a way to illustrate immediately after the election how disengaged from the democratic process social justice warriors are and how ridiculous their inarticulate grievances are...

And then the snowflakes deliver right on cue.
Sore losers. Sour grapes. If they want to go to Canada, then don't let the door hit them on the ass on the way out. Republicans/conservatives had to suck it up under eight years of a liberal president, so stop your whining.

It's typical of this generation though. Don't get your way, take to the streets and cry foul. I gotta laugh at the dude on CNN who is calling this white backlash.
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One just said that California was tired of carrying the torch for us inbred hillbilly's and that we needed to pick up the slack. She also said everybody should adopt California environmental policy. This (is a reason that 777 was really proposed) They want to fine you if you have a cow and the cow farts or passes gas or goes to the bathroom.
I have mixed feelings about where things stand but I would like to know how many of these protesters actually voted. I think it could be shockingly low. Based on the numbers Hillary did not turn out the vote. Trump received less votes than both Romney and McCain so clearly if enough of these people turned out he could have been beaten. People are programmed by social media and don't know what to do with themselves other than freak out.
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Where are you people seeing these things?

(I deleted twitter last night and haven't been on Facebook in ages)
Well the bottom line funny thing IMO is that these protests were organized by is totally funded by George Soros.

So in reality the useful idiots that are protesting are doing the bidding of one of the richest people in the world.

Methinks if they knew that they would protest it.
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I have mixed feelings about where things stand but I would like to know how many of these protesters actually voted. I think it could be shockingly low. Based on the numbers Hillary did not turn out the vote. Trump received less votes than both Romney and McCain so clearly if enough of these people turned out he could have been beaten. People are programmed by social media and don't know what to do with themselves other than freak out.

I was just thinking the exact same thing.
I would guess more than half voted for Jill Stein. To be fair there would probably be a lot of protest on the other side if Donald had one the popular vote but lost the election. Hell, even Donald trump has had plenty of butt hurt about the electoral. On queue, they are blaming Gary Johnson voters.
I would guess more than half voted for Jill Stein. To be fair there would probably be a lot of protest on the other side if Donald had one the popular vote but lost the election. Hell, even Donald trump has had plenty of butt hurt about the electoral. On queue, they are blaming Gary Johnson voters.
BS. Please provide recent examples of mass protests by the right. I'm sure there are some, I just can't think of any.
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BS. Please provide recent examples of mass protests by the right. I'm sure there are some, I just can't think of any.

Don't get upset...I'm not saying it would be to this level. I doubt Donald Trump or anyone else on the right would be spending money to bus people in for protest like the left does. I'm just saying that Donald Trump was already talking about a rigged election and if he had one the majority vote and lost the election he would have gone bananas. He has already mentioned that it needs to be a popular vote in the past. I'm not defending anyone protesting right now, but I think it is fair to point out that the right would be going nuts if he had won the popular vote and lost. He is elected and there is no use crying about it. Blocking a highway will not fix this. These jackasses need to run for office if they want to change things.
So The Hildabeast or Rodent in chief should come out and condemn this crap, REALLY, show Trump and Trump supporters that they truly intend to support him and the election results.

Even some of the ESPN shows are covering this, talking about athletes their opinions and on and on, keep it up fellas see how even less popular you become. Problem always with The Rodent in chief is he wanted to be a fawned over celeb, so he kissed all these peoples ass so they would suck up to him. Trump won't do it and if these fools pile on it will continue to get worse and worse for professional sports.
I imagine there would be some protesting and hand-wringing from some right-wingers had Hillary won. But in those cases, the media would have simply called them Sexist, Xenophobes who are too uneducated to understand the electoral process.


There would not be thousands of George Soros funded unemployed protesters in the streets had Hillary won.
I imagine there would be some protesting and hand-wringing from some right-wingers had Hillary won. But in those cases, the media would have simply called them Sexist, Xenophobes who are too uneducated to understand the electoral process.


Just like 4 years ago or 8 years ago?

No. It wouldn't have happened. We would have woke up the next morning, slightly disappointed, taken a shower and got dressed and would have made our trek to work.

And then we would have done the exact same thing the next day.
Just like 4 years ago or 8 years ago?

No. It wouldn't have happened. We would have woke up the next morning, slightly disappointed, taken a shower and got dressed and would have made our trek to work.

And then we would have done the exact same thing the next day.
Actually, we did this. We were the ones who had to do the work to provide the taxes needed to pay for all the nitwit programs he said he would implement.
Actually move sent out a press release yesterday.....look it up
Actually move sent out a press release yesterday.....look it up

A press release saying they are not behind the protests?


Americans to Come Together in Hundreds Peaceful Gatherings of Solidarity, Resistance, and Resolve Following Election Results

Hundreds of Americans, dozens of organizations to gather peacefully outside the White House and in cities and towns nationwide to take a continued stand against misogyny, racism, Islamophobia, and xenophobia.

Tonight, thousands of Americans will come together at hundreds of peaceful gatherings in cities and towns across the nation, including outside the White House, following the results of Tuesday’s presidential election.

The gatherings – organized by MoveOn.organd allies – will affirm a continued rejection of Donald Trump’s bigotry, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and misogyny and demonstrate our resolve to fight together for the America we still believe is possible.

Within two hours of the call-to-action, MoveOn members had created more than 200 gatherings nationwide, with the number continuing to grow on Wednesday afternoon.
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