Another Voice Of Reason When It Comes To War With Russia Over Ukraine

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Who’s the bully? Who stands to gain? What’s the end game? What will be Russia’s reaction when it becomes clear they will lose? Who wants to die or have their patriotic kid die over Ukraine? Who could even locate Ukraine on a map? Why are we letting our militant government agencies put the world through the turmoil? Why do they always look for places to pick a fight?

Brandon has to defend Ukraine because we learned during the Trump/Ukraine "investigation" by the Dims Ukraine is the most important country in the world from a geopolitical perspective.
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Well other than our government promising to protect Ukraine from Russia in exchange for Ukraine getting rid of its nuclear weapons and conventional weapons just the fact Putin wants something is reason enough to stand up to him.
If you game this out, Russia really doesn't have a great hand to play.

The US won't go to war over Ukraine. Putin will annex another chunk of the country justifying painful sanctions and only showing the other former bloc nations that they indeed are at risk from Russia. The loser is the Ukrainian people which is unfortunate.
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Biden would march his army right into the middle of a Russian blizzard in January if he had the chance.

There is strategic value to the Ukraine, but one has to have a good understanding of the Cold War to understand the politics of what is going on. Biden has none of that. His cold war was taking a cold shower in 1980 when he saw the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders take the field.
If you game this out, Russia really doesn't have a great hand to play.

The US won't go to war over Ukraine. Putin will annex another chunk of the country justifying painful sanctions and only showing the other former bloc nations that they indeed are at risk from Russia. The loser is the Ukrainian people which is unfortunate.

So no more quid pro quo's for The Big Guy and Hunter?
More on Ukraine: Things the media won’t tell us, things we have to learn on our own.

For a liberty guy, you seem awfully supportive of Putin using the former bloc countries as salve for his dying empire butthurt.
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For a liberty guy, you seem awfully supportive of Putin using the former bloc countries as salve for his dying empire butthurt.
Do I? I intend to be awfully supportive that the American people learn the truth about what our military/industrial/media are doing in our name while expecting us to pony up whatever American treasure and blood they call for.
More on Ukraine: Things the media won’t tell us, things we have to learn on our own.

Well at least you are looking at the truth of the matter Ponca. There are some things that we leave out with that, but the situation in Ukraine is almost completely caused by the Clinton and Obama administration. Bush would be involved more if the war on Terror didn't metastasize under his administration. This is one of the biggest misconceptions about Trump. He was trying to hit the reset button Hillary so famously screwed up. In doing so he was discovering all the shenanigan's in Ukraine that Biden was involved in. One of reasons he needed to go, and it wasn't just Biden but the CIA, FBI, Military industrial complex and other members of congress. It's a complete mess, and another disaster for our government when it comes with foreign involvement.
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Who’s the bully? Who stands to gain? What’s the end game? What will be Russia’s reaction when it becomes clear they will lose? Who wants to die or have their patriotic kid die over Ukraine? Who could even locate Ukraine on a map? Why are we letting our militant government agencies put the world through the turmoil? Why do they always look for places to pick a fight?

Why do you assume Russia would lose in an invasion of Ukraine? Some percentage of the country would be happy to rejoin the Russian coalition so there would be some citizen support, and as shown by the Crimea invasion 10 years ago, there's no proof the West would actually stand up militarily. Europe won't because without Russia, a quarter of Europe will freeze to death in the winter, and we've seen how the Obama administration (which the current Biden administration is very similar too) responded in the past.
Why do you assume Russia would lose in an invasion of Ukraine? Some percentage of the country would be happy to rejoin the Russian coalition so there would be some citizen support, and as shown by the Crimea invasion 10 years ago, there's no proof the West would actually stand up militarily. Europe won't because without Russia, a quarter of Europe will freeze to death in the winter, and we've seen how the Obama administration (which the current Biden administration is very similar too) responded in the past.

Ukraine is way more prepared now so it wouldn't be a russian route. What russia can't afford though is having bank accounts and property seized in places like London or the US. If the world were serious about this, they would be arming the Ukrainian military and militias to the teeth. Right now the much of the Ukrainian militia trains with wooden AK-47 looking weapons....outrageous!

In the end though if Ukrainians don't want to fight for their own freedom and land, why the hell should American troops, or even the worthless whores in NATO. An invasion could be massively detrimental to russia without the west firing one bullet.

The US should be shipping LNG to Europe.......but in reality if Germany and others want to make russian rich by being their consumers, then it's time to cut them loose and move every ounce of military equipment and soldiers out of Germany to either home or somewhere a bit further east.
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Ukraine is way more prepared now so it wouldn't be a russian route. What russia can't afford though is having bank accounts and property seized in places like London or the US. If the world were serious about this, they would be arming the Ukrainian military and militias to the teeth. Right now the much of the Ukrainian militia trains with wooden AK-47 looking weapons....outrageous!

In the end though if Ukrainians don't want to fight for their own freedom and land, why the hell should American troops, or even the worthless whores in NATO. An invasion could be massively detrimental to russia without the west firing one bullet.

The US should be shipping LNG to Europe.......but in reality if Germany and others want to make russian rich by being their consumers, then it's time to cut them loose and move every ounce of military equipment and soldiers out of Germany to either home or somewhere a bit further east.
While I agree, when us Republicans said that exact same thing about getting away from China and supporting the atrocities they commit, we were told we're Xenophobes and isolationists.
If you game this out, Russia really doesn't have a great hand to play.

The US won't go to war over Ukraine. Putin will annex another chunk of the country justifying painful sanctions and only showing the other former bloc nations that they indeed are at risk from Russia. The loser is the Ukrainian people which is unfortunate.
Well said, and I honestly don't understand @Ponca Dan's obsession with this issue.

Of course, it is hard to understand most of what Dan is thinking in his warped conspiracy filled mind.🤣
Biden would march his army right into the middle of a Russian blizzard in January if he had the chance.
What an ignorant statement to make.

Biden isn't going to war with Russia. He doesn't have to nor would it serve our interests.

but one has to have a good understanding of the Cold War to understand the politics of what is going on. Biden has none of that. His cold war was taking a cold shower in 1980 when he saw the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders take the field.
Yeah, Biden was a Senator during the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, but he has no understanding of the Cold War.🙄

The crap you guys invent in your head is ridiculous.
Why do you assume Russia would lose in an invasion of Ukraine? Some percentage of the country would be happy to rejoin the Russian coalition so there would be some citizen support, and as shown by the Crimea invasion 10 years ago, there's no proof the West would actually stand up militarily. Europe won't because without Russia, a quarter of Europe will freeze to death in the winter, and we've seen how the Obama administration (which the current Biden administration is very similar too) responded in the past.
Short term it is pretty well accepted Russia could invade and overwhelm Ukraine. Long term - assuming the US and NATO were willing to have their own invasion - Russia would be driven out. The unanswered question is how would Russia react when NATO began setting up military installations right on their border. How would the US react if Russia began setting up military installations on our border? I remember well how JFK reacted. What makes any of us think Russia would meekly submit?
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How would the US react if Russia began setting up military installations on our border? I remember well how JFK reacted.
JFK imposed a blockade while making a secret deal with Khrushchev to remove all of our missiles in Turkey (and possibly southern Italy) and promising not to invade Cuba.

Khrushchev got exactly what he wanted from Kennedy by placing missiles in Cuba and Kennedy was able to look strong to Americans by claiming he got Khrushchev to back down.

A win/win for both men.
Creama loves Russia they got all new infrastructure I thought you dems were all about that stuff?
If you game this out, Russia really doesn't have a great hand to play.

The US won't go to war over Ukraine. Putin will annex another chunk of the country justifying painful sanctions and only showing the other former bloc nations that they indeed are at risk from Russia. The loser is the Ukrainian people which is unfortunate.

ccp/dnc dave can’t figure out
muh russia and muh mueller
was a political hit
that morphed into a coup against the president

but he “gaming out” international politics

FML lol

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