Another MMGW messaging failure


Heisman Winner
Sep 5, 2001

Can someone who believes this is settled science reconcile these two sentences:

Right now, the ocean is in the midst of another sea level spike, thanks largely to manmade climate change (estimates vary, but sea levels will probably rise anywhere from 6 to 16 feet over the next century).

For comparison, the present-day sea level rise associated with climate change is about 0.1 inches (3.2 millimeters) a year.

These two statements are made in this one story. At .1 inches per year, you would get 10 inches or raised sea levels over the next 100 years. Yet the story says 6-16 feet is expected. That would require an 8x increase in MMGW impact over the next 100 years to achieve the minimum projection. I actually believe the scientist in the second quote. I just have a hard time extrapolating the projected impact given the current rate of change.
Wow genius level in here. Here is a hint: Ice melts faster at higher temperatures.
I'm reminded of one of the regular questions I asked of high school students and recent high school graduate while I toured the United States from 1990 to May, 2003.

Since primates have walked the earth, how much of our water supply have we exhausted? You guessed it. Percentage of correct answers less than 1 percent. 97 percent of respondents could tell me who Brad Pitt was married to. Zero could name a U. S. Supreme Court Justice.

I'm a harsh critic of our costly and failing public education system.
Al “Barnum & Bailey” Gore was just here in Australia for a 4 day workshop. The Australian Government paid that clown $320,000 USD.

I have set through so many Plenary Sessions where the CEO of this or that Multinational company says two things....every time. First is I want to pay my respects to the tribal elders of ________ (whichever tribe of Aborigines inhabited the land the event site is located on) past, present and future. Second is we “know” global change is happening and have to deal with the consequences if we don’t get to 0 carbon emissions. I’m convinced they pay lip service to this but know it is never going to happen.

The school kids here, especially public schools, are being indoctrinated at an unbelievable clip as well. They often protest this or that with teachers leading or in the wings. Crazy being over here every other month and watching some of this nonsense.

It’s ironic that all these predictions will effect the earth long after the predictors are feeding worms.

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