another libtard book promoting victimhood

There needs to be an oddly sounding word that means “the desire to show personal victimization so that one can be included as a marginalized individual”. An additional bonus of the word is that once you are included in the victim club, you are free to say or make-up whatever you want about others, as long as they are non-victims.

The made-up word or phrase needs to be the snobby-sounding elitist equal of heteronormativity, cultural appropriation, white privilege, cis-gendered, pansexual, patriarchy, etc.

Anyone have a suggestion?

1) How about martyrdestal? Martyr and pedestal combination.
2) suffer-bubble?
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There needs to be an oddly sounding word that means “the desire to show personal victimization so that one can be included as a marginalized individual”. An additional bonus of the word is that once you are included in the victim club, you are free to say or make-up whatever you want about others, as long as they are non-victims.

The made-up word or phrase needs to be the snobby-sounding elitist equal of heteronormativity, cultural appropriation, white privilege, cis-gendered, pansexual, patriarchy, etc.

Anyone have a suggestion?

1) How about martyrdestal? Martyr and pedestal combination.
2) suffer-bubble?


i like it
I bet he is perfectly fine with a Drag Queen Story Hour at Schools.I like how the one freak is yelling about 3 Trans Genders being killed by people like the Protestors as if thats a good reason to have them in Schools reading stories to kids.
Acosta writing a bitchass whiney tabloid book is the most predictable thing ever.

What a puss.

Damn, you forgot the visuals:




In my honest opinion, I find it's everybody in America that's jumping on the victim train, which absolutely cracks me up having spent six years in third-world countries prior to coming back here. How in the hell can the luckiest people in the history of the planet - the winners of the passport lottery at birth - have the audacity to even complain about the unfairness of life. Seriously?

And it's everyone - gays, white folks, black folks, Christians, women, Natives, Hispanics, the obese, tattooed idiots, Gooners, you name it.

I actually heard a couple of white guys tell me at work recently....
'You know, companies don't hire white men anymore'.
To which I said...'Really? You know we're at work, right?'
'No, seriously....this is the worst time ever in America to be a white man'.

These guys weren't kidding. That's like saying 'This is the worst time in history to be a millionaire.'
Technically speaking, that statement is right. A million dollars isn't what it used to be. BUT YOU'RE STILL A GOD DAMNED MILLIONAIRE!!!!

I swear, the people in this country drive me bananas.
In my honest opinion, I find it's everybody in America that's jumping on the victim train, which absolutely cracks me up having spent six years in third-world countries prior to coming back here. How in the hell can the luckiest people in the history of the planet - the winners of the passport lottery at birth - have the audacity to even complain about the unfairness of life. Seriously?

And it's everyone - gays, white folks, black folks, Christians, women, Natives, Hispanics, the obese, tattooed idiots, Gooners, you name it.

I actually heard a couple of white guys tell me at work recently....
'You know, companies don't hire white men anymore'.
To which I said...'Really? You know we're at work, right?'
'No, seriously....this is the worst time ever in America to be a white man'.

These guys weren't kidding. That's like saying 'This is the worst time in history to be a millionaire.'
Technically speaking, that statement is right. A million dollars isn't what it used to be. BUT YOU'RE STILL A GOD DAMNED MILLIONAIRE!!!!

I swear, the people in this country drive me bananas.

Being white is like being a millionaire?

That explains all of the white truck drivers, plumbers, coal miners and welders who kill themselves for a paycheck while our congressional overlords pander to blacks with their reparations vote.
Being white is like being a millionaire?

That explains all of the white truck drivers, plumbers, coal miners and welders who kill themselves for a paycheck while our congressional overlords pander to blacks with their reparations vote.

I think you missed the point. Be American is like being a millionaire. And from that perspective, he is absolutely right. Our homeless in LA live better than 90+% of India's population. And India is a developing country. Go visit Bangladesh, Indonesia, or most African countries, and you will truly understand how fortunate even our poorest are.
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I think you missed the point. Be American is like being a millionaire. And from that perspective, he is absolutely right. Our homeless in LA live better than 90+% of India's population. And India is a developing country. Go visit Bangladesh, Indonesia, or most African countries, and you will truly understand how fortunate even our poorest are.

I just reread it and unless clarified by the poster I think he meant white people only.

I agree that being in America is like winning the lottery. That’s what is so stupid about the left and their ideas. There is no doubt in my mind that what used to be a fringe group of people are gunning to take market share of wealth away from a group based on skin color as punishment instead of using their resources to better the lives of minorities. The jealousy and guilt groups are out for blood. And of course just like the Dems gun grab motives increase gun sales, this mentality causes people to congregate in circles that preach white supremacy.
Life is full of “unfairness”. Why do some win the cancer lottery? Why do some win the athletic lottery and can make $40 million a year for entertainment? It is simply impossible to legislate equal outcomes because when you do, you discriminate heavily against someone else.

It comes down to safe neighborhoods, parenting, and education.

Many policies and the changing of society has eroded all of those things over time.

Allow a child a safe neighborhood, some parenting, and good high school education, and they have a good chance for success. Emphasis has to be on obtaining a HS education that allows you to be ready for college course work or pursuing a trade. Giving away free college education will not help the poor that right now can not complete a college curriculum. The divide will actually get bigger.
Our poorest, down and outs still have two beater cars, a 45 inch flat screen TV and a 800 buck iPhone each.
So, considering only 40% of all homes in India have any semblance of a toilet, few residents in the USA have a legitimate gripe about anything. IMO.
So true you have no idea how majority population lives in a 3rd world country.
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So true you have no idea how majority population lives in a 3rd world country.
Somewhat agree. However, I've been in the slums of Jakarta. Objectively the poorest people in the world. It was heart breaking.

I just was at a speech from Pablos Holman about solving the world's big problems with big data analytics. He's working on eradicating malaria. I proposed simple universal gin and tonics. He proposed zapping infected mosquito with lasers. And then he did it. He talked about winning life's lottery by being human, American, and having a huge investment in our education. And that we have a responsibility to help solve those big problems. That's why I've been supporting education for girls in Afghanistan and eradication of polio.

American's in total are pretty entitled and spoiled. We need to do better.

Well worth your time.
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Somewhat agree. However, I've been in the slums of Jakarta. Objectively the poorest people in the world. It was heart breaking.

I just was at a speech from Pablos Holman about solving the world's big problems with big data analytics. He's working on eradicating malaria. I proposed simple universal gin and tonics. He proposed zapping infected mosquito with lasers. And then he did it. He talked about winning life's lottery by being human, American, and having a huge investment in our education. And that we have a responsibility to help solve those big problems. That's why I've been supporting education for girls in Afghanistan and eradication of polio.

American's in total are pretty entitled and spoiled. We need to do better.
I know you support a girls school in Afghanistan. My youngest daughter is adopted and of Afghan origin.
Americans dont realize how good they have.
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I know you support a girls school in Afghanistan. My youngest daughter is adopted and of Afghan origin.
Americans dont realize how good they have.

You are really careless with your blanket statements. We are probably all guilty of that sometimes but “some Americans don’t realize how good they have it” or maybe you could get away with “most Americans.”
You are really careless with your blanket statements. We are probably all guilty of that sometimes but “some Americans don’t realize how good they have it” or maybe you could get away with “most Americans.”[/QUOT
I dont think you understood what I meant. Americans are the most generous people
probably in the world with the causes they support. But they still dont understand how good they have including the people living in ghettos.

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