Another ardent pro-lifer republican politician/hypocrite

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Is this your basis for justifying abortion? 2 wrongs do not make a right, but I can see you coming here bragging about that and justifying it in that manner.

I guess Dims are in a better position with their maker about voting for and supporting abortions and doing them, than trying to outlaw them and doing them? Maybe both are screwed.
Better than your dumb ass. Posting bs from 2017. Can't wait for you to change user names again. Hopefully something better than ANON :)

You may have noticed I changed my avatar recently. There may be another one coming if you play your cards right.
I'm concerned that Sys will end up trying to tell us that the socialist Dem candidates are rich hypocrites next

Are all dems "socialists" now? "Leftists?" Or just a specified few? Yall need to have a decode glossary for those of us that don't parrot programming right down to the same buzzwords and slogans like in 1984 and Animal Farm.
Are all dems "socialists" now? "Leftists?" Or just a specified few? Yall need to have a decode glossary for those of us that don't parrot programming right down to the same buzzwords and slogans like in 1984 and Animal Farm.

I think the word "all" was added by you
Are all dems "socialists" now? "Leftists?" Or just a specified few? Yall need to have a decode glossary for those of us that don't parrot programming right down to the same buzzwords and slogans like in 1984 and Animal Farm.
How many times do I have to tell you? It’s “y’all.”

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