Random thought: Could Trump push legislation to bust up the 6 MNCs controlling the media directly above? Could there be a National Interest argument to be made? Who would be offended besides the establishment and lobbyists? I'm sure we've all seen the memes with timestamps that show real collusion and control of messaging on behalf of the DNC. The one that immediately comes to mind is below but there are many examples. Wikileaks outed a number of journalists who continue their presstitution to this day.
Just a thought meant for discussion, open to opposing viewpoints. I get that it would have 1st amendment issues and implications. I don't have a fully formed view on this myself yet but can see where the future is heading. The opposing libertarian and conservative viewpoints are all actively suppressed on twitter and youtube (2 other huge globalist corporations) and there's no doubt in my mind they will come for the internet eventually. I remember Obama doing something on his way out the door and Theresa May just used a terrorist attack to argue for more internet control/regulation. Like DJT said, the MSM has an agenda and it is definitely not my agenda.