An interesting take from the Canadian Broadcasting Company on biggest threat to the press

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Interesting that CBC would allow this. I read CBC's news site several times a week. They cannot publish a story without injecting some sort of political activism, such as 'climate change' or pro-Islam BS. Almost as if it is a government requirement.

Michael Enright may find himself in jail before the sun sets, telling the truth about Obama.
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Please read about Risen in detail before you statrt opening champagne bottles.
The only press Obama liked were those who knelt waist high in front of him. Anyone else was targeted and gone after. Obama had a large number of friendly press people or their relatives working inside his administration.
I'm reminded of Joseph Kasavubu, short time leader of the Democratic Republic of Congo after gaining independence from Belgium. All the country's ills are the fault of predecessors and the press. Sound like our own Mack Daddy?

Kasavubu shoved Patrice Lamumba, an empty suit aside to take over. Our own Mack Daddy has always made me think of Lamumba.

Sese Mobutu stepped in to take over with a peaceful coup while Lamumba and Kasavubu battled. Lamumba was assassinated in 1961 while battling with Kasavubu. Mobutu loved expensive vacations and saw the state treasury as his personal account. Sound familiar?

Watching Obama and studying African history was an interesting eight years for me.

I am in part Congolese descent. My ancestors fled or were kidnapped while Belgium Congo.

Sometimes the spelling is Kasa-vubu.

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