An Anti-Authoritarian Democrat Speaks Out To The Rest Of Her Party

She’s gonna need to do something if she wants to attempt to remain even pseudo-relevant lol…Democrats are done with the batsh!t crazy Assad apologist.
I think she understands any influence she has from now on will be through the power of persuasion and not as a politician. I agree she is far outside the thinking of the mainstream progressive element that currently has control of the Democratic Party. I think her relevance will consist in articulating things that most people intrinsically understand but can’t necessarily express. What I don’t understand is why you felt compelled to trash her character, which you know are lies. It serves no purpose beyond making you look juvenile.
I think she understands any influence she has from now on will be through the power of persuasion and not as a politician. I agree she is far outside the thinking of the mainstream progressive element that currently has control of the Democratic Party. I think her relevance will consist in articulating things that most people intrinsically understand but can’t necessarily express. What I don’t understand is why you felt compelled to trash her character, which you know are lies. It serves no purpose beyond making you look juvenile.

Tulsi Gabbard has done it to herself and you know it lol. She torpedoed her own legitimacy, notably by propping up Assad and opposing gay marriage rights.

Your incessant passive-aggressive condescension serves no purpose beyond making you look juvenile.
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Tulsi Gabbard has done it to herself and you know it lol. She torpedoed her own legitimacy, notably by propping up Assad and opposing gay marriage rights.

Your incessant passive-aggressive condescension serves no purpose beyond making you look juvenile.

I think it was Joseph Goebbels who said something along the lines of: tell the biggest, most unbelievable lie you can think of, never back away from it, tell it over and over and eventually people will accept it as true. I can’t tell if you are practicing that technique or if you’re someone who has fallen for the lie first propagated by Hillary Clinton.

But regardless of which it is your comment displays an underlying hatred that is unfortunate. Maybe you’re just a troll that comes here to get a rise out of people. But it doesn’t work. You make it too hard to take you seriously with your attitude. Really you come across like a 14 year old that thinks he’s being clever. I would advise you study the remarks by @07pilt. He could teach you much about cleverness in your comments.
I think she understands any influence she has from now on will be through the power of persuasion and not as a politician. I agree she is far outside the thinking of the mainstream progressive element that currently has control of the Democratic Party. I think her relevance will consist in articulating things that most people intrinsically understand but can’t necessarily express. What I don’t understand is why you felt compelled to trash her character, which you know are lies. It serves no purpose beyond making you look juvenile. element...?" Do you mean Marxist element? I recommend American Marxism by Mark Levin. Tulsi is part of the former Democrat Party.
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