An American Unemployment Nightmare

Not at all surprising Guns....its almost like the gang running the show now targets some number and figures that is where they need to be to win an election or make a program look sucessful and bingo there it is. AQ was dead and the JV was running the show of course they were wrong, unemployment fell to below 7% before the idiot president was re-elected which was what many said would be a target for a sucessful re-election, obysmalcare, needed what something like 7 million enrollees before March of 2014 to "appear" sucessful and low and behold right before March falls away they have the numbers. Even though simple extrapolations on previous enrollments in previous months made that number unattainable.

Can you imagine a republican/conservative president residing over an economy that has the amount of unemployment for minorities as this fool does. My gosh they would be killing him in the paper daily and nightly. Remeber the press beating up Bush for creating so many "McJobs" just sickening the coverage (actually it may be non-critical coverage) the idiot president gets these days.

20% of taxpayers that could be working aren't....pathetic and sad. But hey at least we have the smartest president ever running the show and UP's friend got free open heart surgery and was dancing around 4 days afterwards.
Originally posted by windriverrange:

Not at all surprising Guns....its almost like the gang running the show now targets some number and figures that is where they need to be to win an election or make a program look sucessful and bingo there it is. AQ was dead and the JV was running the show of course they were wrong, unemployment fell to below 7% before the idiot president was re-elected which was what many said would be a target for a sucessful re-election, obysmalcare, needed what something like 7 million enrollees before March of 2014 to "appear" sucessful and low and behold right before March falls away they have the numbers. Even though simple extrapolations on previous enrollments in previous months made that number unattainable.

Can you imagine a republican/conservative president residing over an economy that has the amount of unemployment for minorities as this fool does. My gosh they would be killing him in the paper daily and nightly. Remeber the press beating up Bush for creating so many "McJobs" just sickening the coverage (actually it may be non-critical coverage) the idiot president gets these days.

20% of taxpayers that could be working aren't....pathetic and sad. But hey at least we have the smartest president ever running the show and UP's friend got free open heart surgery and was dancing around 4 days afterwards.
And calling him/her a racist.

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