An Amazing Interview With George Will


Listening to Will drone on may be enlightening, even engaging, but never "Amazing."

Granted it’s been 50 years, but I was a history major at OSU, and I always find a historical discussion between knowledgeable people to be fascinating. My intellectual “hobby,” if you will, has been political philosophy, particularly concepts of individual freedom within a society, and the notion that free markets are the economic expression of liberty. To that end I find such discussions by George Will to be exhilarating.

I understand that many of you feel rightly insulted by Will’s rejection of Donald Trump. What you fail to understand, it seems to me, is Will is horrified to see the Republican Party turn its back on traditional tenets of conservatism and embrace the authoritarian practices of nationalism and protectionism as embodied by the president.

Another thing you fail to realize is that George Will is not obsessed with Trump, unlike so many from the left. His new book, for instance, does not mention DJT even one time. It is primarily an exposition on the philosophical disagreement over the proper role of government between James Madison, the Founding Father that laid the foundation for the American experiment, and therefore the conservative philosophy, and Woodrow Wilson, who rejected that foundation and laid the building blocks upon which the Progressive Movement has been built. The struggle between those two opposing ideas continues to this day.

Will rejects Trump’s administration because it is a continuation of the Wilson side of the ledger. Nationalism and protectionism are philosophical “kissing cousins” of socialism, they both lead a society toward the same tyrannical condition. Will recognizes the long term danger that awaits us, and has written this book and participated in speaking tour interviews such as this one in an attempt to persuade people to reject all authoritarians and re-embrace the liberty James Madison envisioned.

For that reason I found the interview to be amazing. It would benefit anyone to listen to it.
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Granted it’s been 50 years, but I was a history major at OSU, and I always find a historical discussion between knowledgeable people to be fascinating. My intellectual “hobby,” if you will, has been political philosophy, particularly concepts of individual freedom within a society, and the notion that free markets is the economic expression of liberty. To that end find such discussions by George Will to be exhilarating.

I understand that many of you feel rightly insulted by Will’s rejection of Donald Trump. What you fail to understand, it seems to me, is Will is horrified to see the Republican Party turn its back on traditional tenets of conservatism and embrace the authoritarian practices of nationalism and protectionism as embodied by the president.

Another thing you fail to realize is that George Will is not obsessed with Trump, unlike so many from the left. His new book, for instance, does not mention DJT even one time. It is primarily an exposition on the philosophical disagreement over the proper role of government between James Madison, the Founding Father that laid the foundation for the American experiment, and therefore the conservative philosophy, and Woodrow Wilson, who rejected that foundation and laid the building blocks upon which the Progressive Movement has been built. The struggle between those two opposing ideas continues to this day.

Will rejects Trump’s administration because it is a continuation of the Wilson side of the ledger. Nationalism and protectionism are philosophical “kissing cousins” of socialism, they both lead a society toward the same tyrannical condition. Will recognizes the long term danger that awaits us, and has written this book and participated in speaking tour interviews such as this one in an attempt to persuade people to reject all authoritarians and re-embrace the liberty James Madison envisioned.

For that reason I found the interview to be amazing. It would benefit anyone to listen to it.

Why would I "feel insulted" by Will's rejection of Trump?

You've got the wrong guy for that nonsensical talk.
Why would I "feel insulted" by Will's rejection of Trump?

You've got the wrong guy for that nonsensical talk.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you! I replied to you only in the sense you were the last person to comment, and the impression given by the majority of the comments was they felt they had been insulted. I really didn’t intend for you to feel like you had been singled out.
I liked it. I can relate to conservatives like George Will. Had argued with them
all the time when at OSU. loved it we had an argument and then go have a beer.
What is going on to day is weird to put it politely,
Sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you! I replied to you only in the sense you were the last person to comment, and the impression given by the majority of the comments was they felt they had been insulted. I really didn’t intend for you to feel like you had been singled out.

I'm not insulted, Dan. This isn't emotional for me.

Makes sense.
Let's see, Trump took on the following, won, and is the only hope for breaking the back of...

Corporate fascists like Google, Facebook and Twitter that blatantly censor views with which they, the DNC and the mainstream media outlets disagree.

State-aligned "media" outlets like ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, L.A. Times who rig polls and aggressively push nonsensical narratives such as Trump/Russia collusion to name only a few.

Hillary Clinton and the DNC who worked together to cheat Bernie Sanders and his supporters out of the party nomination and did so in league with the above-mentioned organizations.

It's people like Trump and his supporters who saw real authoritarianism about to happen with the possible election of the above cabal in the person of Cank Clinton.

And Will probably voted for her.
Let's see, Trump took on the following, won, and is the only hope for breaking the back of...

Corporate fascists like Google, Facebook and Twitter that blatantly censor views with which they, the DNC and the mainstream media outlets disagree.

State-aligned "media" outlets like ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, L.A. Times who rig polls and aggressively push nonsensical narratives such as Trump/Russia collusion to name only a few.

Hillary Clinton and the DNC who worked together to cheat Bernie Sanders and his supporters out of the party nomination and did so in league with the above-mentioned organizations.

It's people like Trump and his supporters who saw real authoritarianism about to happen with the possible election of the above cabal in the person of Cank Clinton.

And Will probably voted for her.
I'll bet dollars to donuts Will voted for that dictatorial hag.

Will was all for...

Another amazing interview with George Will.

This time, George takes his rant to The View, and discusses the Republican "Cockroaches" with the foremost expert on all things political and social, Joy Behar. Don't tell him that the reason he was invited is so they can use him like a whore, make fun of him and put his beef on display to the left so they can say, "SEE? SEE? We told you so!" (Shhh!)

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Another amazing interview with George Will.

This time, George takes his rant to The View, and discusses the Republican "Cockroaches" with the foremost expert on all things political and social, Joy Behar. Don't tell him that the reason he was invited is so they can use him like a whore, make fun of him and put his beef on display to the left so they can say, "SEE? SEE? We told you so!" (Shhh!)

Another amazing interview with George Will.

This time, George takes his rant to The View, and discusses the Republican "Cockroaches" with the foremost expert on all things political and social, Joy Behar. Don't tell him that the reason he was invited is so they can use him like a whore, make fun of him and put his beef on display to the left so they can say, "SEE? SEE? We told you so!" (Shhh!)

From "Our political parties are like cockroaches. It's very hard to get rid of these things," you deduce he called you personally a cockroach for voting for Trump?
From "Our political parties are like cockroaches. It's very hard to get rid of these things," you deduce he called you personally a cockroach for voting for Trump?

Well Dan, yes. If Will’s choice of a deep state establishment swamp rat had been elected, he would never had made this statement. So... Yes.
Well Dan, yes. If Will’s choice of a deep state establishment swamp rat had been elected, he would never had made this statement. So... Yes.
You apparently know more about who Will preferred than I. I tried to get a definitive answer, but the best I could find is he did not endorse or vote for Donald Trump. So, while I don't necessarily dispute your contention that Will chose a "deep state establishment swamp rat" I would ask that you show mw where he did that. Finding Trump's nationalism and protectionism to be repugnant is not the same thing as endorsing a deep state establishment swamp rat. I, for one, find Trump's authoritarian policies to be very disturbing, but that hardly puts me into Hillary's camp. I wonder if, after three years of unceasing left-wing attacks on the Donald, you have come to the conclusion that anyone who is "against him" must be "for Hillary?"